The world is approaching a vacuum space of dispersal, prevention methods
Deep concerns over the smart friends asked me once again call the attention of all mankind, that if you do not act by the end of winter, slip away vacuum space.
Currently, the atmospheric pressure at 0.78 atm until the advent of spring brings the 0.6 atm threshold which triggers the immediate destruction of living minus 1 wavelengths, while residents can begin the countdown to twenty years.
These twenty years had not elapsed at rest, as it is completely disrupted, all the usual factors of climate, droughts, storms, torrential rains, extreme temperature variations, climatic anomalies in one word it would to dominate the world. The climatic zones within a short period of reorganization will occur, coupled with disastrous consequences. Agriculture is not able to produce enough food for the famine, epidemics large part of humanity will take longer before the outcome is, mass die.
Twenty years later, the Earth's surface, with the infrastructure break loose on it, but it will be no longer a living man.
I do not want scaring, but calls for immediate action that does not occur in all of these, because of His existence is at stake.
The polar ice caps to restore the method of any impending problem can be eliminated.
In the more developed nations of the whole earth with the involvement very quickly stop the process becomes irreversible.
Here's the technique:
As the south and north of the Arctic ice more intolerable loss, in both places at the same time to start the restore.
A place five hundred thousand bottles ten atmosphere liquid nitrogen full of bottles needed to two meters long, one inch diameter, semi-cm cross-section is provided with an outlet tube of PVC. The tube end of the spray nozzle boxes of the like is provided, and it is held down until the bottle is empty.
Each bottle having a camera that is equipped with a lens magnification of ten thousand, and those looking for a magnet to a network - a yarn that the poles, more frequently, ten meters can be found.
The bottles are placed in one of ten meters and seventy-five degree angle to the Moon, but the magnet is directed fibers, fibers and precisely the magnetic blow. The nozzle of the pressure to be continuously pressed, do not thaw for a moment, because a gap is created, and there will be a continuous negative energy, labor inefficiency entails. Electric heated thick natural rubber gloves is necessary because you can easily freeze in the hand. Due to the cold climate astronaut clothing, shoes and wear a spacesuit required. A slice of the moon from your compressed air to make the area free of air, and therefore oxygen supply is required.
Each device, the shoes are provided with twenty cm thick magnetit because weightlessness occurs, however, offset by twenty cm magnetite, it will increase the magnetism, and attracts the ground. The twenty cm magnetite as much energy levels of magnetic replace the air.
Twenty cm thick magnetite with 780 millimeters of mercury.
The moon slices departure end of the air compression reached, and the rate of re-expands as it leaves the phases of the moon slices polar surface. The restored after the departure of the original atmosphere.
The pressure causes the electrons to the nucleus contract, the pressure ceases, again, far from moving away from the nucleus, so the atmosphere is rebooting the area, just as it was originally. The cooler climate, in a network of magnetic atoms in the atmosphere of the space to make them more pulled out of the network, together with the atoms, and therefore rarely placed in it, so the oxygen will be less frequent, larger ones will need to breathe.
The polar magnetic atmosphere close to the level of a network of negative energy space of negative energy level, so magnetically attracted to each other, and the atmosphere pushes the magnetic network on the ground and space-based networks is attracting contact. This relationship results in further cooling of the Arctic, there is no network connection in the atmosphere and in space networks. The contribution of liquid nitrogen also causes this step.
The liquid nitrogen after completing work tasks as snow falls back into the freshly frozen area, the white color reflects the sun's rays, reducing the temperature to which factors favor the survival of an ice sheet.
Thus, an area within fifty kilometers of lunar profiles will pull over any farther, and a cold climate to pass, causing it to fifty kilometers from the surface polar ice coming. The icing icing will generate additional areas. The Moon will slice it will retract the polar surface, while the negative energy of the liquid nitrogen is depleted, then moves back to the moon.
The addition of liquid nitrogen the same way as when using the propane butane gas reserve, approx. complete emptying a bottle an hour to complete. One hour, the network receives the negative energy magnets, and a clock to pull together so that the two spaces between contacting slice.
Two weeks, ten times on different spatial detail to be repeated, always induces more icy areas, the entire Arctic once again regain its original state.
When calculated, the two polar icing causing hundreds of thousands of bottles of liquid nitrogen, which require approx. one billion dollars, which is the nation where a proportionally allocate among themselves, trifling amount, and not the final judgment occurs.
On the other hand, the time of year again to return to the weather characteristics, enjoyable summers and winters, beautiful springs, colorful autumn landscapes will make human life more beautiful.
And now, my thoughts down on "Humanity's feet" before and beg ask that those who can, measure the atmospheric pressure to confront the truth and to do his best to save the world so it's gotten to the action last time.
The action is very narrow time interval, procrastination is no longer possible because of the dispersal of the vacuum space launches final destruction process of the Earth, humanity and sign their own death warrant.
The vacuum space and each positive space balancing principle, the space stability conditions
In the past, I have already mentioned that the subatomic particles in the resonant explosion remaining after the explosion, the negative range.
The particle spin direction from left to right until this time. In the black hole and the sun won positive energy, the spin direction from right to left is held.
When the positive space lose all positive energies, lasting about to rock will migrate back to the left and trigger the formation of vacuum space, which also builds up particles spinning in the opposite direction.
The number of small particles of the same earth copy was created as the original, but in the negative range, the very high density of atoms arising from non-copied, due to the low energy level, so as here. Rocks are not formed.
Since all particles together to spin to the left, so the Earth's rotation are copied left to right was the original Earth rotates in the opposite direction, and the negative pressure on our space.
Positive Earth for another high-energy particles continually pushed outward by the our space, everywhere wedged vacuum effect, negative rotary particles are sucked back to the same force. The pressure and vacuum, energy levels, a uniform and balanced, normal conditions.
The earth and the negative vacuum space formed Earth, and 0.5 atm was generated Earth is with its axis of rotation to each other pressures are balanced out, so that the 360-degree rotation during all vacuum exerted on the pressurized spaces.
The zero-pressure atmosphere, balancing magnetic stripe, and the Earth's imaginary axis was deviated from the very first turn at the start, before reaching a one degree turn. Every additional one degree turns, one atmosphere pressure is equalized, the 360 degrees and 360 atmospheres.
Pressures greater than 360 atmospheres, the nature is not possible, the maximum depths of the seas almost 400 atmospheres, but also the 360 If the forces of the Earth's interior at 360 atmospheres pressure to exceed the results volcanic eruption, which you will not hush, until you fall to 360 atmospheres pressure.
The equalization of the magnetic field at the level of particle physics
While the Earth's axis of rotation, 0 degrees to 360, degrees toward the pressure in the particles gradually increased. This does not mean that the 360 geographical lengths can I find the highest-energy particles in space placement zone.
To keep the pressure increases because the particles pile up on each other, and the more he is friction, the higher the energy level will be. The friction of the higher energy levels of electrons transferred to the surrounding energy photons which radiate out why, and further raise the energy level of the surrounding electrons. The process is constantly ongoing.
The particles with the highest energy level in the space occupied by the highest-level areas.
The highest energy level location in the center of the Earth, and the material creation is created densest places, the depths of the sea, the mountains, rocks, volcanoes, mantle, magma chamber, core, crust cracks, undersea trenches.
The positive energy loss of particles having a left rotate, and various sizes of negative energy levels in the magnetism depending on the closest large positive-energy particles near attracted Since the positive particles spin direction opposite to the negative sign particles spinning direction of a balancing magnetic repulsion occurs, the particles in a stable position to the other party.
Increased solar activity for a huge surplus of positive energy than an average day at work, so the energy levels of the particles are larger than normal, which increases pressure trigger.
The level of negative energy particles can not follow this change, so moving away farther and farther, they have a balanced particles.
The value of 0.6 atm pressure of a deadline, which is still being achieved, by becoming more relaxed balancing power, but the value is exceeded, the total loss of magnetism between them, and immediately escapes from the vacuum space.
The operating range of high-energy positive particles are distributed more difficult because of the strong links between them, so it takes twenty years to the disconnection between the particles.
However, the positive atmosphere of the space where the web magnetically trapped atoms loose connection may also exist in the disintegration occurs rapidly, and the Earth's atmosphere into space is to be capable of a maximum of two years, so it drowns every living thing.
The twenty-year time period of the Earth's total destruction.
Instead of increasing the pressure of the atmosphere, it is found that the pressure is gradually reduced, temporarily increases slightly, then decreases again, possibly stagnating, but the end result is a constant gradual decline.
This, is because the pressure drop of cooling elicits an increase in global warming.
The balance principle and the most notable here because, although more space would have a positive atmosphere over a stick, yet the pressure loss can be experienced.
The negative particles in the energy levels of the positive particles increased proportionally farther from each other, and proportionately larger suction or vacuum effect of positive particles, therefore, pressure of 0.6 atmospheres, such as a pressure equalization in the system.
The one atmosphere pressure, calibrated by the universe, which is defined in terms of a well-functioning system for all levels of sub-atomic particles so requested in sign to each other and constantly create the space necessary items.
Taking place in this space, climatic and meteorological processes that are error-free operation in the evenings steady and well defined characteristics.
If the system starts disrupted resulting in different climatic processes, which is unusual for us, and high climate, weather anomalies may occur.
It's been a long time know that the pressure is 0.6 atm - will not move up. I thought that maybe scientists and competent people funky and do something about it. I was wrong, because this company does not care about their own interests and selfishness out of nothing. Rather perish not only reap the credit for a "little pipsqueak." The little pipsqueak do not want to harvest anything, just to prevent a huge disaster and make everyone's lives better and more beautiful, even theirs, too! Unfortunately, I can not help it failed to provide a finger at me or towards mankind, in which case I'm a little tiny dot, the existence of billions of people is at stake, all three wavelengths.
If you are intelligent, educated people with such petty and do not have any empathy for them, and only their own personal interests or reputation of getting the goal, or adjacent to each other can be victims, this film draws out the scope of the concept of barbarians.
The truth is they will win again, and scientists of the twenty-first century, the coming generations as a family, outdated scientific dogmas distribution, opportunistic people will remember.
Makes no secret of my feelings, I have got to the point that I do not care if persecuted, trampled, they'll do what they want with me, even standing up for the truth, even if it is, is my life.
A lot of personal problems, listlessness and also contributed to so much time had passed before me was revealed that the real threat identity, between this and and it is transferred to and acquaint with you, which I have gradually emerged.
Why will not ever happen to 0.6 atm pressure condition?
The self-regulatory system will not, because the polar ice melt pressure-balancing function.
The mild winter that increased solar activity caused reduced the pressure, and as I mentioned earlier, up to 0.71 atm down. The pressure drop in energy level can increase, causing the polar ice begins to melt, the polar low-energy electrons start moving towards a higher energy level. The process has been detailed in the previous section.
The electron flow will continue until the pressure is equalized, that will be an atmosphere again. But there is a huge problem! By the time this session has ended, three years later, all the polar ice melts, resulting in unusual consequences.
The whole earth will be 20 degrees, the average temperature for heating is not very will require the energy industry to collapse. The desert gets wet, the humidity will be around seventy percent of the rain will fall often. As a consequence of disease and pandemics half the world's population deadly pathogenic, causing decreased to half the population.
Sea-level rise, not only in the coastal parts of floods, but the strip of land about a hundred kilometers. Very sad world is waiting for everyone, no one will know who the victim is and who survives.
Sunshine will be free most of the year the sun will shine only rarely, tourism altogether, close to the beaches. The hospitals are overflowing, in fact there will be no place for patients who will not develop. For ten years will be the period until the polar ice ca. his return, but you will begin to climatic anomalies. A sharp decline in agricultural production in the unpredictable weather conditions entail, which will require more victims. This is a volatile period ca. Again, it will take ten years to once again place in the polar ice cap, and with the usual climatic conditions may conquests.
Twenty years after the Earth five billion people will be living with the increase.
The polar ice to produce a half years available, because if you started an irreversible process, and from then on everyone tremble!
I do not understand people, you can very easily ascertain the truth, just a pendulum be handy, but the "big ones" that they dare not, are guilty conscience will not allow, so he is left to decay in the world.
I did not want to return to again, but this entry is of original content I have to change if I want to remain faithful to the truth. I had to rape me, that describes what really happened.
During the creation of the whole study, I was down in the belief that intelligent friends, intervene if the local people do nothing to eliminate the risk of disaster. Therefore, the greatest peace of mind I got it, the deeper penetrating knowledge. Very shocked when I found out that it does not intend to interfere, and the ground is completely turned a deaf ear to our jurisdiction, meaning no helper thoughts and behavior showed no relation to saving humanity.
I am completely in shock I said, minus a of charge people living also quarreled.
A lot of time had to elapse, to calm down and understand why they do not help the innocent people.
The transfer of entire scientific material, helping prove intent , not their fault if humanity have not used it , their hearts beating and beating me to this day , and at least as great sadness watching the local events, such as me.
It is likely that the pendulum is told through signs that punishing the sinner to be trained doping, and total dedication to listen to their known true knowledge. If you have been betrayed , that they will not act violently to what our wavelength , so it is doubtful that I can not finish the job and will not be documented in human terms much more important knowledge .
On the other hand, it is also hoped that those responsible might get scared and frightened to take action to stop the disaster occurred. Unfortunately, not thought to be so vicious and unscrupulous of this world.
It is also understood that while not being attacked and hurt them , do not intervene in the affairs of another wavelength , only the intent to assist , while the other conducts wavelength living.
If you maliciously harmful approach to our high -energy wavelengths also offhandedly they defend it , an advanced technical skills.
I am writing about this because unfortunately our more hopeful scientists think of how you would have to destroy some of the less than friendly intentions to approach.
The science in this world end in itself, not a long time ago for the benefit of mankind, in their own little glory, notoriety , comfortable fit rank positions , authority means that other people finally take note that they are favorites .
Perhaps would attention also take when they serve, but since I'm writing this, the material did not do anything other than ask them for help, but, well, that is ereszkednének down to me, and on what basis "I botch" I was in the big house? After all, we're just friends of humanity "benefit" would serve if left unchecked.
I asked a lot of help from all over the world, responsible organizations, academic institutions, I can prove everything, but no answer came from nowhere.
Very soon realize that this thing is certainly for them is not good, because if everyone will be good - have the courage chimeras mean everyone will be very good once-then they will no longer be privileged, disappear in power can no longer be high ground to dictate, for huge money.
Have you thought about the fact that the producer who performed work? Who adhere to the conductors?
And yet those who partake of the life blossomed in the least? Who are those who were watching eagerly for travel magazines, the right foods, drinks they crouching constantly, and do not get anything? Accept that this is the way of life, has always been rich and poor?
Should not be that way, minus the balance and the wavelength of 0.5 is not so everybody equally enjoying life, friendship, in agreement with the high level of intelligence and knowledge brought to them in the " kingdom of heaven ."
Excuse me are honest scientists, who have no intention to offend , because they do and they want to do for the cause , such as they are, but they did not know the contents of a webpage in a timely manner, and disaster prevention have been unable to solve, I missed this .
The disaster is going to happen, painful to see that the time I informed all responsible, and they did not hear, or did everything they could to not knowing unwind it.
My friends, there are just terrible conditions that have occurred since the disaster restoration could advise and help.
The anger and sadness alternates with me when Viktor Orbán think of the Paks nuclear power plant in connection with , as it is well know that the total energy of winning the method described in the site is functional and very cheap, could provide the Hungarian energy independence could remove the poverty and misery .
One person decided only to make their own power not to feel threatened.
Acted quickly, because if you wake up in Hungary, and realize that every word is true from what I have written, and subsequently not able to be changed, since the contract has been mandatory.
Viktor Orban is wrong! I would say to him that there is not a contract that will protect him, the strength of the disaster is far greater than his, the passion for anything you will no longer be kept under control, and is not a " top of simmering volcano " sit, but over a time-bomb which the operation of an I already know the exact date. Do not feel comfortable in the saddl, he comes to the time when everyone is punished dishonest actions.
Take away the Jews and give it to someone else - take it from those who did not submit and give it to someone else
Let alone a defenseless, poor, the sick, the homeless, take it to the living space, even the gas chamber is not needed - if you took it, kill the Jews, never again to return
This is said that history repeats itself.
No, please, not in history, but the re-born consciousness that another body, it will continue where it left off. Exactly as many years have passed since then to re-born adults. Of consciousness retains its characteristic mentality and follows a course that you have previous lives on. The followers of Orbán and meet those people, who, at the time of the deportation of Jews to the gas chamber than applauding.
An evil, primitive consciousness only at wavelengths of 0.5 and becomes intelligent when it comes to old patterns of consciousness electrons are attracted to and forget your own attitude.
Those people who understand what the essence of the science of living less balanced, and want to help, you can preserve the writing and liquidated in case the enemies, then take to the posterity. The disaster did not spare anyone, it may be that I have destroyed, I do not know my friends that they can be rescued or not.
I really do not want to survive, many serious illness has brought back to life, and begged them to let me die, since I have been in this world I can not live. Why do not you go through something, maybe there's a job on Earth.
At the same time I'm pretty sure if I'm going out of here, the writing remains, described the science of the future, which will bring people to a much better and fairer world.
The fourth anniversary
Comments to
2010th February 24 th is the first part of the accidental discovery discussing the writing
Only one game has started, I had no idea how much importance care into.
It was a lot of interest, and to bring more people to follow you, in July 2010, I published a blog is free. In the web interface even more people followed on a regular basis, it has appeared to me in English, link.
Unfortunately, the free blog site server park service stopped working and has been for almost a year, is not in operation, so those who have read here, they could not get to the end, I could not even say to where to continue, because it was impossible to save the newly created information.
Since no one has provided an opportunity to get more publicity to your website, google search engine would only be able to be up to the leads, which are the people whom I asked for help, constantly cast out. Very cleverly, but rather, I would say that insidiously cast out from google. All available before and after clicking the link with robot equipped, I just left out the link to my marginalized with the hit list. The final result is a list of links on the pages clicked ate so much that it was impossible to avoid.
Yet still I get back, because there were assistants who are driven much higher level of information technology. If you have not rushed to help me in my writing now scouring humanity could not find it anywhere.
Last breath holding on to every word of it anywhere and stand up for the right measurement when, he recognized someone inviting me! Unfortunately, not requested, flatten all the official responsible person, pretend you do not know about it, because the stakes are huge, crimes against humanity, the prosecution if it turns out that they could not have made it, so nothing prevented, or the cause.
I wanted to write the abbreviated version, which has just only the scientific facts and make more transparent the thought, but it was taken away from him in the mood.
Could still write a lot of things, for example: how the crops are strong and aggressive be very simple method like weeds.
After all, it is not necessary because only up to a thought -controlled atomic computer codes are constructed that all information in the universe can be found in the developer through.
The crisis would soon be terminated, it could have been much better life now, and I can only say now that in a very short time we have develop hundreds of years.
The most easily demonstrable scientific theory has been described , containing only one silicon atom TV was to be built , or some proof of the procedures performed , whose sight is not enough and the pendulum of the mind net, communicating with nature .
Outrageously immoral and corrupt in the world, the politicians their power and money do not care about anything outside, this is so not only in Ukraine, but we can only ours less spectacular hoard rather stick it out for now.
Comments to III. 2014.02.28.
Today at dawn the google search results list, usually in the first or second page, mine link missing in the google search engine would. Formation of the universe ran collector address. I hope to be back soon, because it is very important to many of us know what's going on in the world.
I know exactly who they are in the background, as yet, not foreigners, both Hungarian compatriots, who are responsible for ensuring that the time did not turn out the most important matters concerning humanity.
They let the disaster happen and did nothing to improve the quality of life dramatically.
The Minister knew exactly what a huge amount of recovery would occur if all were done, but because of their power of half concealed, because it would have degraded his person, had not played the charismatic role of each problem-solving, talented, clever politician. Viktor Orban's disease has a very large sense, narcissistic, classified among the psychopaths. The thought patterns of electron spin continuously around the power and self-interest, so that we have clung to each other, only the laser could help cure it. This does not absolve him from liability because every man must control himself when all this would be inharmonious conditions rule every aspect of life.
The Hungarian Orban serving science, a leading physicist layer, are also guilty, even more than Orban, precisely because they knew that the vast, invaluable in this scholarly writing.
Now, I only deal with the Hungarian criminal association, but equally nefarious reasons, guided by the scientific world, and save the rest of humanity brought to life, that are held by the taxpayer.
Because this theory can not be disproved, only to prove, therefore, wanted to exterminate with fire and sword, and if they are not professional friends, you have not as yet receive nothing.
They thought that my writing is liquidated, the disaster will come suddenly, and then no one will gather knowledge that I could have saved humanity.
But it would have turned out a lot of new scientific evidence, it would have been required to apply, and all the people are in great shape, there is no more need of hack politicians and living organisms, scientists, because all of you have been rearranged.
You can save many thousands of billions of taxpayers if these positions have been eliminated
Blame them since day exploring things like that are no longer needed, billions wasted and patients left to die. How many cancer patients have since died, to my knowledge I discovered the latest therapies?
It was thought then that it is the poor people die, they get away with it, and carry the same non-viable social system, while nice steal little by little scientific content of the website. I always just dropped in., which gain fame and money.
One thing is certain , that this disaster will not spare anyone , with their money and with their reputation they will not go anywhere , disease and hunger in them is going to knock together to prey upon their money up to decorate the walls , if the walls remain .
What kind of minister is chosen, is the country 's people classifying , go ahead , go ahead , choose the appropriate Minister , who chewed off bones drum to the people and hide from them the sublime , heavenly morsels . It does not matter to him, chasing him to destruction celebrations, defenseless, he all of a category, Viktor Orban little apprentice. Go ahead chosen! Bring Hungary Hungarians go for it!
We live in a world where democracy is referring to Putin defends ordinary bandits who stole the last penny out of the people, and bosom friendship with like-minded Hungarians embraced the great leader.
This social system has long failed, but the system is still struggling to benefit, unfortunately, so hold on to their privileges barbaric way to die rather leave the world. I'd rather die, but you can not let everyone be good.
The universe takes care of it, even if you do not direct it is intended that the depraved society renewed, the development does not stop, but go ahead and disaster blurs the old -viable society to the substitution of a forward-looking, great functioning form of society. This society has become a peaceful, community awareness of people will converge towards the more and more developed societies. It is true that even twenty years must elapse to begin the development. It takes ten years to get back to some level of icing.
Intelligent friends are not going to die, no matter how powerful they wanted the pictures, as they will be transferred to the water deuterium variations, since the spin of the particles in the direction opposite the local particles. There the 23-degree temperature gradually increased energy levels, and the spin direction is reversed and water is formed. Excess water is collected in reservoirs, so there will be flooding. There are oceans and rivers, the only reason to keep them under control easier. They will multiply too, since you are even a few over there en masse if the people here lose their lives. Very little of the humanity comes through, the others have to be born again.
So much food, and they also get the 0.5-wavelength as far as they will need to be reserved for it, and they can also be produced synthetically. It is true that to be closer together to pull themselves but survive.
I did not intervene because they can be very stressful for preparation and ultimately one world to the other world does not intervene in the affairs of up to help warn intent.
The universe is advanced society in this statute!
Our Earth in a positive wavelength societies, unfortunately, is the stage of development of barbarism!
After this writing, at least I try, how I am indestructible, if not, then at least do favor to leave this cruel, evil world!
Positive space vacuum of space
I experienced great spiritual crisis, due to the risk of disaster, no one listened to me, it is very important scientific information masked.
But because of the understanding, but I owed it to those who had been taken seriously.
Our high-energy space they were lost electrons in the level of positive energy, remaining after the initial explosion resonant high levels fall to a negative energy. Spin direction of the electrons in negative energy levels will be in opposite directions, and were originally given, absolute zero pressure area passing through, gradually creating a vaakuum space.
The space was created positive energy levels of electrons in the positive absolute zero pressure or no pressure in space. The zero space will operate equalization band.
Once started the vacuum space formation atmosphere of the neutral band of the emitted photons penetrated, i.e. the plasma, with the temperature of zero atmosphere band underwent heat equilibration process and is still constantly mixed.
The first negative-energy electrons, almost at the same time, head-to-head for plasma 23C advanced to the degree to which increased the negative-energy electrons, positive energy level.
As the energy level increase requires a certain time, it is always negative-energy electrons can be entered, and each other, almost to shape the opposite parallel fields.
Because many plasma passes through, so much more positive electron energy levels, and much less than the negative-energy electrons, so the vacuum chamber eroded the positive space.
The universe is not only possible with positive energy form of existence, and therefore the less certain wavelength actually +0.1 wavelength.
The high energy level of electrons rose again returned to our high-energy positive space, we again when they lose their energy levels, go back to the vacuum chamber. Everywhere in the universe is energy roundabout take place, it will be over if they lose the original pulses.
The people here are just so different from us that a weak magnetic field is much smaller weights, but they feel the same sense as in previous lives, the massive, high magnetic field acting.
Photon body already positive energy levels of electrons are attracted to, not in three days, take at least two weeks.
The high detection will
Well, Mars is actually alive and well, as the opposition of Mars indisputable and decisive evidence that was not destroyed Mars. I tried to maintain the false information to the last minute to representatives of science, then just pop up out of the hiding, and at least the stupid adjective. Do not tolerate that false allegations do not sanction retaliation, in this case, even with the explosion of Mars was also released me. And where were the Honourable knowledgeable skeptics? I have not received any official comment from representatives of science, even though I know I regularly read your website.
On the other hand, the explosion of Mars gets more attention than an "ordinary" unknown strayed there, the level of energy lost planet. People might not know it to blow up a planet that photons from falling apart because of the need to lose all of their energy levels of atoms and of their constituent electrons and positive momentum after the loss of all photons falling apart.
Then stand in line, according to the energy level of the original impulses and get into the black hole, then the photons penetrating into each other shells, the quantum state of the sun. In my website it has been previously detailed. Indeed, a large planet photons lost energy levels were the sun, and very high levels of increased solar activity caused. Previously, the 0.1-living n my friends, two years' amounts estimated amount of photon enhanced functioning of the day, but it takes more than two years in the process, there are still five months has exceeded the previously reported operating time content. Recently, it was magnetic jets from the sun because of the great fusion of atoms, protons took place and reached the waiting zone.
Discovery of gravitational waves in response to all I can write that mixed magnetic yarns available space fabric of fluctuation of the gravitational waves, since it still does not want or can not figure out that the universe is the only system-forming power of magnetism.
The circumstances of the sudden rise in sea level 2014. 04.22
Many people will surely ask themselves the question, if true, is that two-thirds of the polar ice has melted, why the sea level has not risen spectacularly?
Since it has been almost two and a half years of increased solar activity, is not it already around the end, the amount of emitted photons was just enough to allow the water molecules making up electrons to the normal pályájukról removed far away, and out of the ordinary with more water molecules not form clouds, and larger quantities downpour of rain. The usual average high temperature is always ensured that the electrons do not return to the original onto trails.
I have written about previously, due to the atmospheric pressure is increased activity of the sun, the warming effect of increasing the pressure is reduced, by the melting of the polar ice-induced cooling down gradually compensated. To the extent that the ice melts, the polar high pressure cold air you lose the pass and pressure of the Earth's entire atmosphere, as long as one atmosphere pressure are equal. Along with the whole Earth will be the average temperature of 20 ° C, the water molecules which electrons returned to the original career, and at the same time a lot of water molecules will be able to mottling and torrential rainfall.
The humidity is so high that the water cycle is stopped, only to fall and will fall, the ice melted and flows directly into the sea, does not evaporate as normal.
Because of the pressure balance in atmospheric circulation is stopped, the clouds will be steady precipitation, and vast amounts of water suddenly thrust upon us.
Since it has been so disturbed zones of the energy levels of the atmosphere temperature and energy level that polar air can no longer hold back to normal the next lowest energy level that is even with energy recovery or loss of increments to keep the arctic air is back, so the atmospheric pressure and temperature equalization has already begun.
Grotesque enough that those who regularly follow the visitors and also understand this science, we have become more familiar with the operation of the universe, as the official representatives of science, who have inserted into their heads in the sand and do not want to ignore it.
The whole attitude of the downright outrageous, that did nothing to reverse the disaster situation, remove all of my web pages, spent more energy.
Shame on you!
Prospects for the future
Since the photon has planetary sun for a long time have increased solar activity, as, it was estimated in advance of my friends living in other wavelengths, so the date of the disaster shifted forward. I do not really know when, but I have my suspicions. I do not ask you not asking about, still I feel bad for the thought. The original calculated to two years would be back, but obviously the large amount of radiations of photons further increased warming and the Arctic are also better value rays of the sun.
I just want to mention for the sake of a better understanding of everyday examples.
When venting, and inside the apartment is warm and very cold out in the open, the high-pressure moments and pushing cold air cools the apartment. In this case, the difference between the energy levels high.
In the summer, if only a little bit warmer in the housing, the cooler outside air inflow takes a long time because of the staggered mixed with a lower energy level air.
The corners is the case, the high-pressure cold air getting progressively increasing the energy levels of air holding back energy level is always a woman into the interior of the continents.
As a result of sustained, increased solar activity, it is well established harmony is disturbed and upset the whole climate-balance and get you out easily with cold currents, which will wrap around the Earth until it gradually heats up, then another and another cold stream comes out while, you run out of high-pressure cold air.
When you have a large pressure difference between the cold and warm air is removed, the arctic air and the mixing of air masses from the interior of the continents can be started, resulting in a leveling off of the pressure, melt the remaining ice is terrible rapidity.
By the end of the process will be everywhere 20C degrees, the corners, and 10 C degrees.
If you ask someone smart friends are curious about the disaster occurred more precise date, pendulum through.
Ever since, I accidentally dropper into this huge big affair, I found out what kind of people exist in the world.
A lot of trouble has been, but still gazed at the world through rose-tinted glasses. You really meet, and the rose-colored glasses I changed to black.
All over the world are the people who you thought you were acting in defense of humanity, turned out to be not interested in anything outside themselves.
Disappointing to know that even they did not want to stop the disaster. And believe me, not because they failed to heed the facts on which the submission is exactly the opposite, I did nothing, because they knew to be true and felt a serious threat to their own interests.
The age-old human desires come true, survive death, and now it is surrounded by deep silence and listening to the entire scientific substance to say.
I could write thousands of pages about what's going on in the world, but confine myself to the Hungarians, because I live here, this is my country and especially my fellow countrymen wanted to do better.
In the past more than four years, always in the expected recovery and a better existence, but, just the opposite happened four million beggars have become a kingdom. A million is made rich, and four times as much crawled to the edge of ruin. Not only large European country such insolence greed, which is typical of the Hungarians.
Unfortunately, Viktor Orban inhibitions of a role model, and it can be stated that the present-day Hungary, the criminals running the wagon, where the minister gives you a helping hand.
Innocent people do outside, just because you are over fifty years old, and do not use them anywhere, so the only way to show them ahead of the parcels of the social.
Viktor Orban guilty because he knew that by applying the latest science, have been recovered from a long time ago, I would have healed the patients.
Instead, the Russians league, nuclear power and wants to solve the energy problem, even though he knew very well that the kind of pointed out in energy in all human problems can be solved. Where there is cheap energy, there can be propagated to the mushrooming of jobs.
Guilty, because the scientists have for him and the people were impoverished, it reminds them of their own pockets to prevent evictions .
Grandpa may be innocent of the four -year-old granddaughter outside because the girl 's mother died of cancer . Whose sins that still die of cancer? The grandfather fifty years of age, developed through his life and now feel humiliated because they do not give him a job ?
It's just a case of a lot of tragedy, which could have been avoided if the alternative provided by the intelligent friends have chosen.
Ever since it appeared in the most recent scientific publications, the government has no right of people to purchase the expensive energy force.
Pálinkás Mr. President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as if nothing had happened, they share their research on the charges of obsolete pattern would not recognize these scientific results. Billions dissipate and they Orbán, the poor, and do not care.
Those selfish Hungarians shame on you who are in misery and suffering, just crossing, turn their heads, and no matter how ties are governed criminals, but are still next to them!
With Roma covering used to go to a lot of money for them, but these are just ideas runs, excuses his own self-justification, they also know that this is not true.
The money for them, light a small fraction of the amount of what the politicians and oligarchs apart dealt with each other.
Their hands on it the EU's finances, and the benefit obtained as a silent partner scoops. Orban treats people's work earned tax as if it were his own, to take care of any of the public money wasted. Feel free to dare to govern tie criminals. I believe that the disaster will drive the poor and the weak, but in this case, it is not true.
The high-energy invasive bacteria and viruses attacks, high-energy, ie the energy levels corresponding hosts are attracted to, that the well-fed, dominant human specimens were originally high energy levels will be in great shape to target.
Also in this case will be applied to a higher energy level always starts and moves to lower energy levels to citizens. Do not feel privileged, because the universe is a lot smarter than anyone can imagine.
The form of the social system that has been unable to renew thousands of years, indicating that the level of consciousness of mankind, is still the barbarity of products.
An intelligent society would immediately be caught and would have prevented the disaster from occurring.
Mankind is unable to regenerate itself, it is necessary that it comes from an unexpected large event that renews and do not have anything against it in many greedy, greedy, who now will be lost all together looting property.
Value, but also a producer of work, you can think about it, the number of productive workers are kept parasite bum you out, they just live in a subsistence level, and the number of dependents and accumulate billions.
Steer should not politicians, but experts are professional experts, for the community, for one another, not against one another, then we can develop spectacularly.
Before the disaster, every country should do, and to get in touch with those living on the 0.1, what more can be done to minimize the number of casualties attention to the disaster.
Do you think it's smart society? When is it gonna end?
Only the rich are sentient beings?
All people are beautiful and the good or even the Roma! Who is doing the criminals-Roma, and what is due to historical and social reasons, looking after him already before judging?
Intelligent beings, whether they kill and torture each other? And incite strife at war?
Everyone should carry out self-examination, but most people in positions of authority and responsibility!
Came into action the scientific conspiracy
The Weekly Response Europe Joseph Pálinkás wants EU Commissioner Articles by, excited in me such a passion that is no longer I check e- mails sent to the competent, but I'll post .
The e- mails from the European Research Council, Cern, ELTE – Frei, BME, Viktor Orbán received. Several times provocatively, threatening, I called your attention to the latest scientific facts, and the huge approaching danger. None responded to anything.
The other wavelengths live my friends know that I prefer looking to liquidate and MTA physicists want to liquidate your web pages by Joseph Pálinkás under the direction of.
As you know, a huge amount of significance that in scientific writing, and the disaster took no danger to anything, fearing for his ass the whole company wants EU Commissioner Pálinkás. The European Research Council does not want to accidentally Palinkas, they know about it, that it is very important that nothing avoid detection.
Freud did not accidentally Thomas lobbying for Pálinkás because she was the water itself is driven by malm, both for brain research are large and, in fact, in the light of the latest science, has been completely pointless.
CERN physicists also know everything that is in their interest also Palinkas.
If the positions are the main culprits of the disaster all the information you may be closed, and so lies and can find out the ones they want, if a disaster occurs.
Orban also guilty of interest also intends to Pálinkás, I wonder if it would Navracsics position.
Across Europe there is much more suitable scholar than Palinkas, Palinkas and yet be non-random.
It is not a coincidence that in many European countries, the Academy has chosen the CERN data center operation.
A huge scientific fraud is taking place, not only in Europe, the U.S. crime syndicate managed by the same rogue science.
Science only to be considered, which is recognized representatives of official science, but if you reach outside of academic circles, no matter how powerful results and these results, the interest of the scientific community without prejudice, you ally with, and oppose, do not let never succeed. We, the people are trampled their way, who resists.
Science should muster to make life easier for mankind, enhances quality of life outcomes, so their salary, and to serve mankind.
Has now been proven to be raised themselves above humanity and science.
If these people will remain and continue to be a position of power, human development is stopped by research carried out, only to devour taxpayers' money.
The main aim for now is to unwind the disaster who are not scientists, so wherever you may be, the management positions, with all guilty, responsible scientists implanted, closed even the slightest possibility of information leakage as well.
I can speak own bloody mouth if you do not listen to it anywhere, culled out the most important information concerning the humanity.
Very shocked when I read in the paper that people are doing a Union officer who least deserve punishment, at least, to rot in jail, but I think the same thing from the Orbán and other rogues.
In today's world, if someone plays a high position, and could well pose conferences, in newspapers, on TV, I think that is what great prestige. But it does not matter, but that is actually who they are inside, I know that real freaks.
Inhibitions, connected to the web page of my day to their robot, and beat out Google results list by the time I got back, they started all over again. Still , I also observed how a new title appears when permanently erased by , a website , from the outset , I did not even go to google it , I was sent down the drain . He retouched text me, not once noticed that e- mails, texts are missing. I should say that I live in terror of mind, has been four years.
I turned to them with confidence, asking for help, and one of it.
It hurt to human indifference, but maybe the fact that I wrote any rational arguments, doubt it, because science is not the official said, and with billions of people dug grave. If you confront them on time, do not flow from the biggest disaster in the history of mankind.
Very enthusiastically began to write, very interesting and exciting results, the first seemingly mystical, unexplained, inexplicable faith commute is now broke, all my energy drained.
I hope that if something happens to me, and I can not continue, there will be someone who enters into our wake.
With signs of the pendulum support, and obtain new information, everyone can have, personally, had long wanted to be someone else in the same way as I describe the experience, it is also the case would have helped a lot.
Before you even get out of my correspondence would visit a few times to draw your attention to a more academic article, which withdrew start box followed an hour later the news is very important facts about. I put it to the bookmarks, and returned five minutes later to a googol, to find it still there, but it was included in the hit list.
In the following link:
Now, let me quote the e-mails, which are not only provocative, but downright threatening, elicited no response from the recipient. How, why, you might as well find out!
Published only a few letters, because there are so many!
2012. 05. 29.
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Tisztelt Orbán Viktor Magyarország minisztere!
Nagyon fontos dolgokat kell írnom Önnek. A Rendszert nem lehet becsapni, és abban a pillanatban, ahogy Ön értesült a legújabb tudomány tényeiről, már jegyezték ezzel az üggyel kapcsolatos minden mozdulatát.
Súlyosan vétett Magyarország polgárságával szemben, nem a számukra ideális, a nyomortól megszabadító az Irányító Rendszer által megadott utat választotta, hanem saját malmára hajtotta a vizet, hogy uralmát minél jobban kiterjessze. Mára már emberek sokaságát hajtotta a végzetes elkeseredés felé, a beteg, szegény, munkanélküli emberek gondolatvilágát a kilátástalanság felé.
A betegek korszerű gyógymódjainak kipróbálása helyett egy „burkolt Tajgetosz” egészségügyi politikát folytatott, és ezzel sok magyar embert átküldött a mínusz egyes hullámhosszra. Féllábú és betegségektől szenvedő embereket fosztott meg olyan minimális nyugdíjaktól, amely idáig is csak a vegetálásukhoz volt elegendő, mára már egy út maradt számukra a biztos és lassú kínhalál.
Ön fasiszta politikát folytat, az alsóbb osztályokat életterük bezárásával, elszegényítésükkel pusztulásra ítélte, jól eltervezetten a teljes eltüntetésükre, végleges kiiktatásukra törekszik. Az Univerzum Irányító Rendszere minden rejtett gondolatát ismeri, semmit nem tagadhat le előtte.
Az Ön „nagyszerű” politikája még az egészséges emberek számára sem hozott munkalehetőségeket, nem hogy a kiszolgáltatott betegek számára.
A munkanélküliek nevetségesen alacsony szinten álló segélyezését, még alacsonyabb szintre helyezte, emberek és gyermekek millió éheznek az Ön alkalmatlansága miatt.
Ön nagyon is tisztában volt azzal, hogy az Univerzum Irányító Rendszere által megadott felemelkedést szolgáló korszerű gyógymódok és technológiák, korlátlan olcsó energianyerési módszerek egy- két éven belül mindenki számára elhozza a jólétet, a biztonságot, az élni akarást, és helyre állhatnak az emberi kapcsolatok, igaz, akkor olyan nagyságos alakoknak, mint Ön nem fog senki többé bedőlni.
A magas energia árak miatt még többen kerültek anyagilag nehéz helyzetbe, holott nem következett volna be, ha Ön időben lép. Nem sorolom fel, az összes bűnét számoljon el azzal Ön saját magával és az Irányító Rendszerrel, én utasítást követek, de azt nagyon szívesen.
A végső konzekvencia azonban az, hogy súlyosan megkárosította a magyar embereket anyagilag, erkölcsileg, fizikailag, Ön életellenes bűncselekmények sorozatát követte el, és Ön egy fasiszta.
A mai Magyarországon a demokrácia még nyomokban sem létezik, Ön és az Önhöz hasonló domináns emberi egyedek élvezik a többi ember által termelt „gyümölcs ízét.”
Az Irányító Rendszer döntése pedig a következő:
Ha huszonnégy órán belül nem veszi kézbe az ingát és nem lép velük kapcsolatba, a gamma sugár Önre lesz irányítva.
Ha ezt megteszi, három napon belül önként mondjon le miniszterelnöki tisztségéről, mert ha nem a gamma sugár el lesz indítva. Nem bújhat el sehová, mivel a sugárzás még az atom biztos bunkeren is keresztülhatol. Mielőtt lemond, állítassa le a nyugdíj vizsgálatokat, és a már megszületett határozatokat nyilvánítassa semmissé.
Személy szerint annak örülnék, ha ellenszegülne, mert akkor Magyarország azonnal fellélegezhetne!
Tudom, hogy gondolatban hányszor akart engem likvidáltatni, és hová kívánt engem juttatni.
Komolyan elhitte, hogy a világ leghatalmasabb intelligenciájú társadalma tétlenül végig nézi, hogy Ön és az Önhöz hasonló domináns önző és harácsoló egyedei elpusztítsák a Földet és a létezés állomásait, és hagyják, hogy az összes ártatlan embert a végleges pusztulásra ítéljék. Egy maroknyi hatalom és pénzéhes ember ezen a Földön többé nem fog irányítani, hamarosan a béke és az igazságosság veszi át a vezérlést, ha tetszik ez az Önhöz hasonlóaknak, vagy nem.
UI: Az Irányító Rendszer kérdése, hogy önmagát miért nem szorította meg, és a sleppjét?
The original letter translated into Hungarian version:
2012. 06. 12.
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2012. 06. 13.
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2012. 06. 18.
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Dátum: 2012. június 13. 23:20
Tárgy: Fwd: veszélyes játék
The original letter translated into Hungarian version:
Dear Minister Viktor Orban's Hungary !
Very important things to write to you. The system can not cheat , and at the moment, as you are aware of the latest facts of science , every move has been registered in connection with this case.
Heavily committed against Hungary by citizenship , not chosen their ideal of liberating misery Management System provided by the way , but their easier in the water to extend his rule as much as possible . It is now a multitude of people out to the fatal despair , the sick , poor, unemployed people to the ideas of hopelessness .
The state of the art treatments for patients instead of trying with a " covert Tajgetosz " health policy, and thus transmitted much less certain wavelength of the Hungarian people . Housewarming Party and deprived people suffering from diseases such minimum pension from that date, it was only the vegetálásukhoz enough , it is now a way for them to remain safe and slow death agony .
You were very much aware of the fact that modern therapies and technologies, unlimited cheap energy production methodologies specified by the universe Management System ascension brings prosperity and security for all within a year or two, the will to live, and recovery may be human relationships, true, it is a mighty figure in, as you will not fall for anyone anymore.
High energy prices have been even more difficult position financially, although would not have occurred if you take time. I can not call up all the sins you settle with himself and the Postal System, Following my instructions, but it is very welcome.
The ultimate consequences, however, is that the Hungarian people has damaged severely financially, morally, physically, you committed a series of crimes against life and you are a fascist.
In Hungary today, no trace of democracy still exists, and you just like you are enjoying dominant human specimens produced by other people, "fruit flavor."
The decision of the Management System is as follows:
If you do not take delivery of the pendulum within twenty-four hours and it does not contact them, you will be redirected to the gamma radiation.
If you do this, the prime minister resign voluntarily resign within three days, because if not the gamma ray is started. Can not hide anywhere, even as the radiation penetrates the nuclear-proof bunker. Before his resignation, retirement statement described the tests that have been born and the declaration of annulment decisions.
Personally, I'd appreciate it if you resist, because then Hungary would breathe right now!
I know how many times he thought he wanted to liquidate me and sent me to want.
Seriously believed that the world's most powerful intelligence societies idly watching over you and you like the dominant selfish and greedy individuals from destroying the Earth and the stages of existence, and let all the final destruction of innocent people convicted. A handful of power and money hungry people in this world will not control it anymore, peace and justice is about to take over the controls if you like it as similar or not.
PS: The Management System question to yourself why you did not fail, and your own retinue
2013. 05. 20.
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Orbán Viktor részére
Intelligens barátaim úgy döntöttek, hogy nem kap több türelmi időt, a levelem olvasása után azonnal megkapja, amit érdemel. Önt teljesen hidegen hagyja a közeledő katasztrófa, nem érdekli az emberek tömeges pusztulásának lehetősége, csak a hatalmi mániája.
Intelligens barátaimtól tudom, hogy a terror elhárítókkal akar elvitetni, ennyire súlyosan veszélyeztetem az érdekeit? A legújabb tudományos elvek alkalmazása mindenki számára elhozza a jólétet, akár tetszik ez önnek, akár nem, hamarosan be fog következni.
A másik hullámhosszon élő embertársaink követelése az, hogy mondjon le azonnali hatállyal, ellenkező esetben átkerül a mínusz egyes hullámhosszra, és ott kell számot adni az összes gaztettéről. Ha a retorzió alatt mégis elszáll az a nagy bátorsága, könyörögve kérheti, hagyják meg az életét, és közben szavát adja az azonnali lemondásra. Ha mégsem tenné, nem lesz több kegyelem!
Ön és a többi hatalmon lévő érdekszövetség, akik hasonlóan gondolkodnak, mint Ön, ugyanebben az eljárásban fognak részesülni, és pusztítsák el önmagukat, ehhez van joguk, de a többi ember életével nem rendelkezhetnek, ezt jegyezzék meg jól.!
2013. 05. 20.
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ápr. 13.
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2013. 05. 18.
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Általam nem tisztelt Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök!
Kénytelen vagyok ismét acsarkodni Önnel, intelligens barátaim tudomásomra hozták, hogy az univerzum keletkezéséről szóló blogomat el akarja tüntetni a nagyközönség szeme elől.
Felhívom szíves figyelmét, hogy meg ne próbálja, mert ellenkező esetben a bíróságon találkozunk.
Személy szerint én örülnék, ha ott szemtől szembe derülne ki az igazság, de intelligens barátaimnak más tervük van önnel kapcsolatban.
Ha rágondolok skizofrén bátyámra, akinek a szenvedései, az ön és hasonszőrű társai miatt, immár három évet hosszabbodott, a dühös tigris erejével tudnám végig csinálni a pert.
De nem csak az Ő esete adna erőt, hanem az ön és kormánya által elnyomott, kiszolgáltatott réteg szenvedései, az önök jóvoltából botrányosan megemelkedett halálozási statisztika, amelyről intelligens barátaim pontos adatokkal tájékoztattak, mélységesen megrendített, és megújult erővel töltött fel, hogy véghezvigyem elkeseredett, de nem megfáradt harcom, az olyan érzéktelen és önző gazemberekkel szemben, mint ön és társai.
Tudom, hogy arra apellál, hogy előbb utóbb becsavarodok, vagy végzek magammal, ezt verje ki a fejéből. Egész életemben borotva élen táncoltam, már megszoktam a gyűrődést, és igazi vas ladyvé váltam, sokan így is neveznek. Egy intelligens, gyengébbeket pártfogásba vevő, kedves és szép amazon vagyok, ráadásul az ön által annyira elítélt szingliket gyarapítom, feminista jellemvonásokkal. Messzire elkerülöm a pártokat, a vallási tömegbutító egyesületeket, mindegy, hogy az, katolikus vagy éppen szekta. Vezetni, pedig végképp nem hagytam magam. Öntörvényű vagyok, de ezek a törvények tettek makulátlanná, ha múltamban keresgélne, se találna semmi kivetnivalót, ezért nem félek még az ördögtől sem, féljen ön és a hasonlók.
Nagyon is tisztában van azzal, hogy az egész kereszténység csak emberámítás, tudja ön nagyon jól, hogy a blogban foglaltak a valóságot tükrözik. Ezért aztán tűzzel - vassal irtaná a blogban leírt bizonyítható legújabb tudományos elveket, mert akkor önnek és érdekcsoportjainak leáldozna. Ha mindenkinek jó, és mindenki jól él, vajon mi szükség lesz szószátyár politikusokra? Átlátja ön nagyon is, csak fél, hogy igazi munkát kell majd végeznie, és a kiváltságai semmivé válnak. Átlátok én önön, de megígérem, hogy az életem árán is, ön a megérdemelt helyére kerül.
Büntetésből közmunkásként fog tevékenykedni, havi harmincötezer forintból, megtapasztalhatja, milyen az, amikor igazán dolgozni kell, és az éhbérből megélni. A hozzátartozóit pedig ön fogja saját kezűleg eltemetni, megmosdatni, felöltöztetni, búcsúztatni, ha éppen aktuális lesz. Felháborító, és elborzaszt az ön érzéktelen és aljas modernizált fasizmusa.
Miért nem ásat egy nagy nemzeti sírgödröt és krematóriumot a szerencsétlen embereknek, talán gyáva hozzá? A halálozási statisztikája már éppen megkívánná, mert lassan annyian pusztulnak el az ön munkaalapú társadalmában, mint a második világháborúban, ezt ön is nagyon jól tudja. Talán külföldön őszintébben kellene nyilatkoznia, és valódi nevén kellene neveznie a rabszolgamunka alapú társadalmat.
Sok mindent tudnék még a fejére olvasni, de nem ezért írtam. Ez csak egy mellékes kis kitérő volt számomra. A lényeg most következik.
Intelligens barátaim üzenik, hogy egy héten belül álljon az ügy mellé, mert ha nem teszi, nagyon rosszul fog járni. A létezésüket veszélyezteti oly formán, ha itt bekövetkezik a sarki jég olvadásának visszafordíthatatlan folyamata, akkor Ők is éhen pusztulnak.
A növények és állatok foton testei innét kerülnek át, hogy újra tömeget nyerjenek, és ha nem kerül elegendő mennyiségben oda, akkor éhezni fognak. A pozitív terünkből a járványok
rövid időn belül, milliókat küldenek át, az átkerült megnövekedett emberi létszám, és a többi élőlény átáramlásának drasztikusan lecsökkent mennyisége a másik két hullámhosszon is katasztrófa helyzetet idéz elő, éhen pusztulnak.
Mivel intelligensek, a legvégsőkig nem akarnak beavatkozni az itteniek dolgába, de elpusztítani nem hagyják magukat. Mivel igazi technokraták, tudni fogják, hogy az összes ellenállót hogyan befolyásolják jó irányba. Higgye el nem lesz kellemes. Ha kell, példát statuálnak. Ez az utolsó figyelmeztetés, ha nem fogad szót magára vessen!
A sarki jég visszaállításának megkezdéséig már csak négy hónap van hátra, ha nem teszik, a jég olvadását már semmilyen technikával nem lehet megállítani, és három év múlva elolvad az összes jég, bekövetkezik az emberiség történetének legnagyobb katasztrófája.
Ötmilliárd ember elvesztése kezdődik meg, amelynek egyik fő okozója Ön lenne, ha intelligens barátaim engednék, hogy bekövetkezzen.
2013. 05. 20.
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---------- Továbbított levél ----------
Dátum: 2013. május 18. 20:54
Tárgy: ismételt figyelmeztetés
I have no honorable Prime Minister Viktor Orban !
I have to pour down again now , was brought to my smart friends to my blog on the origin of the universe hide the public 's sight .
Please note that we do not try , otherwise I'll see you in court.
Personally, I would be glad if he would find out the truth face to face , but there are other intelligent friends you plan relationship.
When I think of my brother with schizophrenia whose sufferings and your ilk because , now extended to three years , the power of an angry tiger could go through with the lawsuit.
But it is not only in his case would force but oppressed by you and the Government of vulnerable layers of suffering , of your courtesy outrageously increased mortality statistics which intelligent friends informed of accurate data , deeply shaken , and has been renewed efforts to bring about desperate , but not tired of fighting, contrary to a sense of failure and self-centered bastards like you and others.
I know that it appeals to that sooner or later gone cross-eyed, or I'm doing with myself, I just put it out of his head. Razor edge danced all my life, I'm used to wrinkling, and I became a real Iron Lady, many so called. I am an intelligent, weaker ones with customer patronage, kind and beautiful Amazon, in addition to you so convicted by single ones enriched with feminist traits. Know to the political parties, religious associations dulling weight, whatever it is, or even Catholic sect. To drive, they certainly did not let myself. I'm controversial, but because these laws are spotless when I became a search through my past, do not find anything objectionable, so I'm not afraid of the devil are not, you are afraid and the like.
Punishment will be active in public worker, thirty-five thousand forints per month, you can experience what it's like to really work and earn a living éhbérből. The relatives and you will bury yourself, clean me up, clothe, say goodbye when you're going to date. It is outrageous and horrify your numbness and foul modernized fascism.
Why do not where to dig a large grave national and crematorium unfortunate people, maybe add a coward? The mortality statistics would require even longer as they slowly die all your work-based society, as the Second World War, that you know very well. Maybe we should declare abroad sincerely and real name should identify the slave labor-based society.
I can read a lot more on his head, but that's not why I wrote. It was only a short hop from sideline me. The point is to come.
Smart friendly message to stand behind the issue within a week, because if you do not, it will go very badly. The existence threatens their equally so, if it's an irreversible process of polar ice melting occurs, they can die of hunger.
The photon bodies of plants and animals are transferred from here to gain weight again, and if it is not there in sufficient quantities, they will starve. Out what the positive space of epidemics
Within a short time, millions are sent to them, and was transferred to the increased number of human and other organisms dramatically reduced the amount of flow through the other two wavelengths can cause a disaster situation, die of hunger.
As intelligent, very end of the locals do not want to interfere with people's business, but do not let themselves be destroyed. Since real technocrats, they will know how all resistance fighters affect the right direction. I assure you it will not be pleasant. If need be, exemplary. This is your last warning, if you disobey himself to blame!
The polar ice begins to restore only four months away, if I do not have any ice melting technique can not be stopped, and three years later, all the ice will melt, occurs biggest disaster in human history.
Five billion people will start losing, which is a major cause of you would be smart friends were allowed to take place.
Other e-mails
2013. 05. 20.
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MTA Munkatársai!
Intelligens barátaim úgy döntöttek, hogy nem kapnak több türelmi időt, a levelem olvasása után azonnal megkapják, amit érdemelnek. Önöket teljesen hidegen hagyja a közeledő katasztrófa, nem érdekli az emberek tömeges pusztulásának lehetősége, csak a saját érdekeik védelme.
Le akarnak járatni, hogy tudománytalan a blog, és töröltetni kívánják a legigazabb tudományt tartalmazó dokumentumot. Az egész emberiség és a másik két hullámhosszon élők védelmének érdekében íródott. Nem mutatnak hajlandóságot az emberiség életének felemelését célzó törekvések nyilvánosságra segítésében. Önző érdekeiken kívül semmi nem érdekli önöket, ezért hazugságra is képesek.
Tudom, hogy az ELTE, BME és MTA együttes erőbedobással akarnak engem megsemmisíteni, a barátaim ezt már nem fogják végig nézni ölbe tett kézzel.
Intelligens barátaim döntése a következő:
A levelem elolvasása után megkapják, amit megérdemelnek, a gonoszkodásuk miatt nem kapnak már gondolkodási időt.A retorzió alatt, kérhetik, hogy legyen vége, de csak abban az estben, ha ténylegesen az Ügy mellé állnak, ellenkező estben a mínusz egyes hullámhosszon találkoznak, és elszámolhatnak személyesen gátlástalan magatartásukkal kapcsolatosan.
Önök és a tudomány többi hasonlóan gátlástalan képviselője ugyanebben az eljárásban fog részesülni, pusztítsák el önmagukat, ehhez van joguk, de a többi ember életével nem rendelkezhetnek, ezt jegyezzék meg jól.!
A tudományon kívül, a világot irányító hatalmi bűnszövetkezet összes ellenálló tagja úgy fog járni, mint önök!
The original Hungarian version of the letter translated into English
MTA colleagues!
Smart friends decided not to receive more grace period immediately after reading the letter to get what they deserve. You totally uninterested in approaching disaster, people are not interested in the possibility of mass destruction, only to protect their own interests.
They want to run to the unscientific blog and wish to cancel your document containing the truest science. For the sake of all mankind and the protection of other people written two wavelengths.
Show no sign of humanity's effort to assist in raising public lives. In addition to their selfish interests, nothing you are interested in, thus being able to lie well.
I know you're the ELTE, BME and MTA combined swing they want to destroy me, my friends this is not going to sit around and watch.
Intelligent choice of the following friends:
After reading the letter to get what you deserve, because theirs devilry has not given time to think. During the retaliation and request it to be over, but just in case his side are in fact the case, otherwise the minus some wavelengths have come across and eligible persons may be unscrupulous behavior relation.
As you and other unscrupulous representative of the science will benefit from the same process, destroy themselves, this is right, but the rest of one's life can not have this record it well.!
In addition to the science, resistant to all members of the conspiracy world governing power they will walk like you!
2013. 05. 19.
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Általam mostanra már egy kicsit sem tisztelt, MTA elnöke és munkatársai!
Intelligens barátaim tudomásomra hozták, hogy az univerzum keletkezéséről szóló blogomat el akarják tüntetni a nagy közönség szeme elől. Gratulálok, a huszonegyedik század, egyik neves, magyar tudományos intézetének, kiváló fizikusaiként kikiáltott emberi nulláknak.
Hol is járunk most, az időben? Talán, a középkori keresztény inkvizítorok papi reverendáihoz kötődő, sötétséget konzerválni akaró momentumok, most a tudományos urak talárjait veszik célba? Mintha a történelem ismételné önmagát, a technika fejlődik, az emberi tudat pedig marad a barbárság szintjén? A tudós kötelessége az emberi élet megkönnyítése lenne, ha lenne?
Próbálják csak, töröltessék, de a polgári peren majd találkozunk, és majd kiderül legalább az igazság!
Intelligens barátaim üzenetét tolmácsolom, ha nem tárják a nyilvánosság elé, a blog tudományos elveinek önök által már igazolt bizonyítékait, retorziót fognak alkalmazni önökkel szemben.
A sarki jégtakaró visszaállításának megkezdéséig négy hónap áll rendelkezésre, ezután már semmiféle módszerrel nem lehet visszafordítani az olvadási folyamatot. Három év alatt az összes jég megsemmisül. A teljes jégtömeg elvesztése az emberek tömeges pusztulását vonja maga után. A járványok, és az éhínség tíz év alatt öt milliárd ember elvesztését váltja ki.
Az egész folyamat bekövetkeztének okairól az
A másik két hullámhosszon élők létezését is veszélybe sodornák, ha hagynák magukat.
Mivel a növények és állatok foton testei innét kerülnek át, ismételt tömegnyerésre, a pozitív tér katasztrófa helyzete miatt jóval kevesebb jut majd át. De annál több ember, amely táplálék hiányhoz vezetne, és Ők is éhen halnának. Mivel intelligensek, csak végszükség estén avatkoznak a földiek dolgaiba, de ebben az esetben, már önvédelemről van szó. Ezért utoljára figyelmeztetik Önöket, hogy önként cselekedjenek, vallják be az igazat, és tárják nyilvánosság elé az eredményeiket. Ha ezt egy héten belül nem teszik meg, retorzió következik, és akkor kényszerből, megszégyenítve fogják csinálni. Ha kell példát statuálnak, annyit amennyi szükséges, és ez nem csak önökre vonatkozik, hanem a tudomány összes jeles képviselőjére, akik tudták és eltitkolták, vagy éppenséggel direkt gátolták a legigazabb tudomány nyilvánosságra hozatalát. Gondolkodjanak el magukon, hogy mi felé sodorják az emberi létezést, és ismételten csak azt tudom írni, hogy szégyelljék magukat!
2013. 05. 20.
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Válasszon: Válasz vagy Továbbítás
The original Hungarian version of the letter translated into English
Last warning
I have now been a little bit honored, MTA Chairman and staff!
Smart was brought to my friends to my blog on the formation of the universe indicated they want the public's sight. Congratulations to the twenty-first century, one of the most prestigious Hungarian scientific institute, excellent physicists proclaimed human zeros.
Where are we now, in time? Perhaps, the medieval Christian priestly cassock binding inquisitors, who want to conserve the darkness moments, now the lords of the academic robes targeting? If history is to repeat itself as the technology evolves, the human mind is kept to a level of barbarism? The scientist's duty to facilitate human life, where would it be?
Trying to just blotted out, but I'll see you in civil court, and then at least we can see the truth!
Smart friends recounted message, if not made available to the public, the blog has been proven by scientific principles you evidence of retaliation will be imposed with you.
The polar ice cap to restore the start of four months is available, then the method can not be any longer to reverse the melting process. Within three years, all of the ice is destroyed. The total mass loss of ice mass destruction of people entails. Epidemics and famine five billion people in ten years loss triggers.
The whole process of the reasons for the occurrence of
http://www.univerzumkeletkezé link you can read, as due to server problems of the free blog service blog I could not continue.
The other two people in existence wavelength at risk when letting themselves .
Since the photon bodies of plants and animals are transferred from here , again winning weight , because of the situation in a positive space disaster and much less pass . But the more people that would lead to a shortage of food , and they also would die of starvation . As intelligent as a last resort only intervene in earthly affairs in the evenings , but in this case , we are concerned about self-defense . Therefore, the last time I warn you to act voluntarily , admit the truth, and to publicize the results. If you fail to do so within a week, retaliation follows, and then forced , humiliated they will do it . If you need exemplary , as much as is necessary , and it's not just for you but concerns all outstanding representative of science, who knew and concealed , or even directly inhibited the truest science to the public. Think about themselves that sweeps toward our human existence , and again I can only write to shame on you !
Continued II.
2013. 05. 20.
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BME Munkatársai!
Intelligens barátaim úgy döntöttek, hogy nem kapnak több türelmi időt, a levelem olvasása után azonnal megkapják, amit érdemelnek. Önöket teljesen hidegen hagyja a közeledő katasztrófa, nem érdekli az emberek tömeges pusztulásának lehetősége, csak a saját érdekeik védelme.
Le akarnak járatni, hogy tudománytalan a blog, és töröltetni kívánják a legigazabb tudományt tartalmazó dokumentumot. Az egész emberiség és a másik két hullámhosszon élők védelmének érdekében íródott. Ne mutatnak hajlandóságot az emberiség életének felemelését célzó törekvések nyilvánosságra segítésében. Önző érdekeiken kívül semmi nem érdekli önöket, ezért hazugságra is képesek.
Tudom, hogy az ELTE, BME és MTA együttes erőbedobással akarnak engem megsemmisíteni, a barátaim ezt már nem fogják végig nézni ölbe tett kézzel.
Intelligens barátaim döntése a következő:
A levelem elolvasása után megkapják, amit megérdemelnek, a gonoszkodásuk miatt nem kapnak már gondolkodási időt.A retorzió alatt, kérhetik, hogy legyen vége, de csak abban az estben, ha ténylegesen az Ügy mellé állnak, ellenkező estben a mínusz egyes hullámhosszon találkoznak, és elszámolhatnak személyesen gátlástalan magatartásukkal kapcsolatosan.
Önök és a tudomány többi hasonlóan gátlástalan képviselője ugyanebben az eljárásban fog részesülni, pusztítsák el önmagukat, ehhez van joguk, de a többi ember életével nem rendelkezhetnek, ezt jegyezzék meg jól.!
A tudományon kívül, a világot irányító hatalmi bűnszövetkezet összes ellenálló tagja úgy fog járni, mint önök!
2013. 05. 20.
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---------- Továbbított levél ----------
Feladó: <>
Dátum: 2013. május 20. 18:02
Tárgy: nincs türelem
The original Hungarian version of the letter translated into English
Smart friends decided not to receive more grace period immediately after reading the letter to get what they deserve. You totally uninterested in approaching disaster, people are not interested in the possibility of mass destruction, only to protect their own interests.
They want to run to the unscientific blog and wish to cancel your document containing the truest science. For the sake of all mankind and the protection of other people written two wavelengths. Do not show a propensity in human endeavors aimed at raising public life of the Mediterranean. In addition to their selfish interests, nothing you are interested in, thus being able to lie well.
I know you're the ELTE, BME and MTA combined swing they want to destroy me, my friends this is not going to sit around and watch.
Intelligent choice of the following friends:
After reading the letter to get what you deserve, because theirs devilry has not given time to think. During the retaliation and request it to be over, but just in case his side are in fact the case, otherwise the minus some wavelengths have come across and eligible persons may be unscrupulous behavior relation.
As you and other unscrupulous representative of the science will benefit from the same process, destroy themselves, this is right, but the rest of one's life can not have this record it well.!
In addition to the science, resistant to all members of the conspiracy world governing power they will walk like you!
2013. 05. 19.
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Általam mostanra már egy kicsit sem tisztelt, Fizika tanszék munkatársai!
Intelligens barátaim tudomásomra hozták, hogy az univerzum keletkezéséről szóló blogomat el akarják tüntetni a nagy közönség szeme elől. Gratulálok, a huszonegyedik század, egyik színvonalas magyar egyetemének, kiváló fizikusaiként kikiáltott emberi nulláknak.
Hol is járunk most, az időben? Talán, a középkori keresztény inkvizítorok papi reverendáihoz kötődő, sötétséget konzerválni akaró momentumok, most a tudományos urak talárjait veszik célba? Mintha a történelem ismételné önmagát, a technika fejlődik, az emberi tudat pedig marad a barbárság szintjén? A tudós kötelessége az emberi élet megkönnyítése lenne, ha lenne?
Próbálják csak, töröltessék, de a polgári peren majd találkozunk, és majd kiderül legalább az igazság!
Intelligens barátaim üzenetét tolmácsolom, ha nem tárják a nyilvánosság elé, a blog tudományos elveinek önök által már igazolt bizonyítékait, retorziót fognak alkalmazni önökkel szemben.
A sarki jégtakaró visszaállításának megkezdéséig négy hónap áll rendelkezésre, ezután már semmiféle módszerrel nem lehet visszafordítani az olvadási folyamatot. Három év alatt az összes jég megsemmisül. A teljes jégtömeg elvesztése az emberek tömeges pusztulását vonja maga után. A járványok, és az éhínség tíz év alatt öt milliárd ember elvesztését váltja ki.
Az egész folyamat bekövetkeztének okairól az
A másik két hullámhosszon élők létezését is veszélybe sodornák, ha hagynák magukat.
Mivel a növények és állatok foton testei innét kerülnek át, ismételt tömegnyerésre, a pozitív tér katasztrófa helyzete miatt jóval kevesebb jut majd át. De annál több ember, amely táplálék hiányhoz vezetne, és Ők is éhen halnának. Mivel intelligensek, csak végszükség estén avatkoznak a földiek dolgaiba, de ebben az esetben, már önvédelemről van szó. Ezért utoljára figyelmeztetik Önöket, hogy önként cselekedjenek, vallják be az igazat, és tárják nyilvánosság elé az eredményeiket. Ha ezt egy héten belül nem teszik meg, retorzió következik, és akkor kényszerből, megszégyenítve fogják csinálni. Ha kell példát statuálnak, annyit amennyi szükséges, és ez nem csak önökre vonatkozik, hanem a tudomány összes jeles képviselőjére, akik tudták és eltitkolták, vagy éppenséggel direkt gátolták a legigazabb tudomány nyilvánosságra hozatalát. Gondolkodjanak el magukon, hogy mi felé sodorják az emberi létezést, és ismételten csak azt tudom írni, hogy szégyelljék magukat!
2013. 05. 20.
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---------- Továbbított levél ----------
Dátum: 2013. május 19. 18:34
Tárgy: utolsó figyelmeztetés
The original Hungarian version of the letter translated into English
Last warning
I have now been a little bit honored, MTA Chairman and staff!
Smart was brought to my friends to my blog on the formation of the universe indicated they want the public's sight. Congratulations to the twenty-first century, one of the most prestigious Hungarian scientific institute, excellent physicists proclaimed human zeros.
Where are we now, in time? Perhaps, the medieval Christian priestly cassock binding inquisitors, who want to conserve the darkness moments, now the lords of the academic robes targeting? If history is to repeat itself as the technology evolves, the human mind is kept to a level of barbarism? The scientist's duty to facilitate human life, where would it be?
Trying to just blotted out, but I'll see you in civil court, and then at least we can see the truth!
Smart friends recounted message, if not made available to the public, the blog has been proven by scientific principles you evidence of retaliation will be imposed with you.
The polar ice cap to restore the start of four months is available, then the method can not be any longer to reverse the melting process. Within three years, all of the ice is destroyed. The total mass loss of ice mass destruction of people entails. Epidemics and famine five billion people in ten years loss triggers.
The whole process of the reasons for the occurrence of
http://www.univerzumkeletkezé link you can read, as due to server problems of the free blog service blog I could not continue.
The other two people in existence wavelength at risk when letting themselves .
Since the photon bodies of plants and animals are transferred from here , again winning weight , because of the situation in a positive space disaster and much less pass . But the more people that would lead to a shortage of food , and they also would die of starvation . As intelligent as a last resort only intervene in earthly affairs in the evenings , but in this case , we are concerned about self-defense . Therefore, the last time I warn you to act voluntarily , admit the truth, and to publicize the results. If you fail to do so within a week, retaliation follows, and then forced , humiliated they will do it . If you need exemplary , as much as is necessary , and it's not just for you but concerns all outstanding representative of science, who knew and concealed , or even directly inhibited the truest science to the public. Think about themselves that sweeps toward our human existence , and again I can only write to shame on you !
2012. 07. 30.
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Tisztelt Fizikai Tanszék Munkatársai!
Kénytelen vagyok ismét levelet küldeni, mivel előző levelemre, amelyet másfél évvel ezelőtt küldtem, nem reagáltak, és azt is tudom, hogy letagadják, pedig én mindenről értesülök, ami ott zajlik.
Az univerzumkeletkezes.freeblog. hu dokumentum tudományos tartalmának egyértelmű nyilvános hozzáállásukra szólítja fel Önöket a mínusz egyes hullámhosszon élő intelligens társadalom.
Mivel felelőtlen viselkedésükkel veszélybe sodorják a Föld lakosságát, most már egyértelműen foglaljanak állást a blog tudományos tartalmát illetően.
Nem vagyok tudományos kutató, de abban biztos vagyok, hogy az ott szereplő tudományos állítások bizonyíthatóak. Ha ezt fel tudom mérni, teljesen biztos vagyok benne, hogy Önök is.
Hány embernek kell még meghalnia rákban, és egyéb az újfajta terápiák alkalmazásával könnyen gyógyítható betegségekben, a skizofréniától szenvedő betegeket, meddig veti még ki a társadalom magából? Meddig hagyják még nyomorban sínylődni az emberek nagy hányadát, csak azért mert a tudomány fölé helyezték önmagukat?
Talán a Földet és az emberiséget is hagyják elpusztulni, mert sérelem érte Önöket, hogy a világ nem úgy működik, ahogyan azt Önök gondolták?
Naponta beszélgetek jeleken keresztül intelligens barátainkkal, naponta csodálom meg a súly és tömeg nélküli anyagból képződött tudathálót, ha hiszik, ha nem pozitronok gyógyítottak meg az agydaganatból, és sok más egyéb dolog miatt harcba merek szállni az igazságért bárhol bárkivel.
Súlyos hibát követnek el, ha a struccpolitikájukat továbbra is folytatják, nézzenek önmagukba és szégyelljék mélységesen magukat.
Üdvözlettel: Synux
2012. 07. 30.
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---------- Továbbított levél ----------
Dátum: 2012. július 30. 18:12
Tárgy: figyelmeztetés
2012. 07. 30.
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Tisztelt Atomfizikai Tanszék Munkatársai!
Az univerzumkeletkezes.freeblog. hu dokumentum tudományos tartalmának egyértelmű nyilvános hozzáállásukra szólítja fel Önöket a mínusz egyes hullámhosszon élő intelligens társadalom.
Mivel felelőtlen viselkedésükkel veszélybe sodorják a Föld lakosságát, most már egyértelműen foglaljanak állást a blog tudományos tartalmát illetően.
Nem vagyok tudományos kutató, de abban biztos vagyok, hogy az ott szereplő tudományos állítások bizonyíthatóak. Ha ezt fel tudom mérni, teljesen biztos vagyok benne, hogy Önök is.
Hány embernek kell még meghalnia rákban, és egyéb az újfajta terápiák alkalmazásával könnyen gyógyítható betegségekben, a skizofréniától szenvedő betegeket, meddig veti még ki a társadalom magából? Meddig hagyják még nyomorban sínylődni az emberek nagy hányadát, csak azért mert a tudomány fölé helyezték önmagukat?
Talán a Földet és az emberiséget is hagyják elpusztulni, mert sérelem érte Önöket, hogy a világ nem úgy működik, ahogyan azt Önök gondolták?
Naponta beszélgetek jeleken keresztül intelligens barátainkkal, naponta csodálom meg a súly és tömeg nélküli anyagból képződött tudathálót, ha hiszik, ha nem pozitronok gyógyítottak meg az agydaganatból, és sok más egyéb dolog miatt harcba merek szállni az igazságért bárhol bárkivel.
Súlyos hibát követnek el, ha a struccpolitikájukat továbbra is folytatják, nézzenek önmagukba és szégyelljék mélységesen magukat.
Üdvözlettel: Synux
2012. 07. 30.
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---------- Továbbított levél ----------
Feladó <>
Dátum: 2012. július 30. 18:15
Tárgy: figyelmeztetés
Dear Colleagues , Department of Atomic Physics !
I have to send a letter again , as my previous letter , which I sent one and a half years ago, have not responded , and I know that they deny , and I have heard of everything that goes on there.
The univerzumkeletkezes.freeblog . calls on the scientific content of the document clear public en their attitude to you minus some wavelengths live smart society.
As irresponsible behavior undermining the Earth's population , now clearly expressing their views regarding the scientific content of the blog .
I'm not an academic researcher , but I am sure that the scientific claims contained therein proved. If we can measure this , I'm pretty sure that you can .
How many people have to die from cancer, and the use of new types of therapies easily curable diseases , the patients suffering from schizophrenia , long despised by the society itself ? How long is left in poverty sínylődni still a large percentage of people, just because they put themselves above the science ?
Maybe the Earth and humanity is left to die because you aggrieved that the world does not work as you thought ?
I'm talking daily for signals of intelligent friends , I admire your daily weight and material formed without net mass consciousness , believe it or not positrons healed the brain tumor , and many other things because of the fight for justice dare defy anyone anywhere .
Is a serious error if the ostrich policy is still continuing , look deeply into themselves and be ashamed of themselves.
Sincerely Synux
2013. 05. 19.
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Általam mostanra már egy kicsit sem tisztelt, Atomfizika tanszék munkatársai!
Intelligens barátaim tudomásomra hozták, hogy az univerzum keletkezéséről szóló blogomat el akarják tüntetni a nagy közönség szeme elől. Gratulálok, a huszonegyedik század legnevesebb magyar egyetemének, kiváló fizikusaiként kikiáltott emberi nulláknak.
Hol is járunk most, az időben? Talán, a középkori keresztény inkvizítorok papi reverendáihoz kötődő sötétséget konzerválni akaró momentumok, most a tudományos urak talárjait veszik célba? Mintha a történelem ismételné önmagát, a technika fejlődik, az emberi tudat pedig marad a barbárság szintjén? A tudós kötelessége az emberi élet megkönnyítése lenne, ha lenne?
Próbálják csak, töröltessék, de a polgári peren majd találkozunk, és majd kiderül legalább az igazság!
Intelligens barátaim üzenetét tolmácsolom, ha nem tárják a nyilvánosság elé, a blog tudományos elveinek önök által már igazolt bizonyítékait retorziót fognak alkalmazni önökkel szemben.
A sarki jégtakaró visszaállításának megkezdéséig négy hónap áll rendelkezésre, ezután már semmiféle módszerrel nem lehet visszafordítani az olvadási folyamatot. Három év alatt az összes jég megsemmisül. A teljes jégtömeg elvesztése az emberek tömeges pusztulását vonja maga után. A járványok, és az éhínség tíz év alatt öt milliárd ember elvesztését váltja ki.
Az egész folyamat bekövetkeztének okairól az
A másik két hullámhosszon élők létezését is veszélybe sodornák, ha hagynák magukat.
Mivel a növények és állatok foton testei innét kerülnek át, ismételt tömegnyerésre, a pozitív tér katasztrófa helyzete miatt jóval kevesebb jut majd át. De annál több ember, amely táplálék hiányhoz vezetne, és Ők is éhen halnának. Mivel intelligensek, csak végszükség estén avatkoznak a földiek dolgaiba, de ebben az esetben, már önvédelemről van szó. Ezért utoljára figyelmeztetik Önöket, hogy önként cselekedjenek, vallják be az igazat, és tárják nyilvánosság elé az eredményeiket. Ha ezt egy héten belül nem teszik meg, retorzió következik, és akkor kényszerből, megszégyenítve fogják csinálni. Ha kell példát statuálnak, annyit amennyi szükséges, és ez nem csak önökre vonatkozik, hanem a tudomány összes jeles képviselőjére, akik tudták és eltitkolták, vagy éppenséggel direkt gátolták a legigazabb tudomány nyilvánosságra hozatalát. Gondolkodjanak el magukon, hogy mi felé sodorják az emberi létezést, és ismételten csak azt tudom írni, hogy szégyelljék magukat!
2013. 05. 20.
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---------- Továbbított levél ----------
Feladó: <>
Dátum: 2013. május 19. 0:11
Tárgy: ismételt figyelmeztetés
The original Hungarian version of the letter translated into English
Where are we now, in time? Perhaps, the medieval Christian priestly cassock binding inquisitors, who want to conserve the darkness moments, now the lords of the academic robes targeting? If history is to repeat itself as the technology evolves, the human mind is kept to a level of barbarism? The scientist's duty to facilitate human life, where would it be?
Trying to just blotted out, but I'll see you in civil court, and then at least we can see the truth!
Smart friends recounted message, if not made available to the public, the blog has been proven by scientific principles you evidence of retaliation will be imposed with you.
The polar ice cap to restore the start of four months is available, then the method can not be any longer to reverse the melting process. Within three years, all of the ice is destroyed. The total mass loss of ice mass destruction of people entails. Epidemics and famine five billion people in ten years loss triggers.
The whole process of the reasons for the occurrence of
http://www.univerzumkeletkezé link you can read, as due to server problems of the free blog service blog I could not continue.
The other two people in existence wavelength at risk when letting themselves .
Since the photon bodies of plants and animals are transferred from here , again winning weight , because of the situation in a positive space disaster and much less pass . But the more people that would lead to a shortage of food , and they also would die of starvation . As intelligent as a last resort only intervene in earthly affairs in the evenings , but in this case , we are concerned about self-defense . Therefore, the last time I warn you to act voluntarily , admit the truth, and to publicize the results. If you fail to do so within a week, retaliation follows, and then forced , humiliated they will do it . If you need exemplary , as much as is necessary , and it's not just for you but concerns all outstanding representative of science, who knew and concealed , or even directly inhibited the truest science to the public. Think about themselves that sweeps toward our human existence , and again I can only write to shame on you !
2012. 07. 30.
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LHC Dear colleagues!
I am forced to send mail again because my previous letter that I sent a year ago, did not respond, and I know that outright denial, but I'm giving him everything that takes place there.
theoryoftheuniverse.freeblog. hu scientific document content unambiguous public attitude invites you to live an intelligent society, minus some wavelengths.
Because of irresponsible behavior threaten the people of Earth, is now clearly take a stand on the scientific content of the blog.
I am not a researcher, but I am sure that there are proven in scientific statements. If I can measure it, I am fully confident that you can.
How many people have even died from cancer, and other new types of therapies using easily curable diseases in the patients with schizophrenia, how long throws out even the society itself? How long has left a large percentage of people suffer in poverty, just because science is placed above self?
Perhaps the Earth and humanity is left to die because you had been infringed, that the world does not work as you thought?
A day talking to your friends via intelligent, I admire your daily weight and mass without mesh material formed mind, believe it or not healed positrons from brain tumor, and many other things because I dare to fight for the truth get anywhere with anyone.
A serious mistake if the ostrich policy will continue, to look into themselves and they are deeply ashamed.
Sincerely, Synux
2012. 05. 31.
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Dear LHC's staff!
Deeply shocked that a large-famous particle accelerator complex as the LHC, which is the question looking for answers, why does it exist in the universe and what the initial particle, which made this huge sound system with components his own creation. Followers expressed cleanest you know, after scientific truth by insidious way aloof from the possibility to extend and to help people to understand the possibilities. Not helping hands for the cause of saving the Earth and humanity, and you know very well, if the current technologies do not change soon, which is beginning to change the time has come, the earth and people will soon be approaching the end. The Postal System of the Universe in my letter LHC watched the arrival of colleagues have read the document content, reaction, attitude in the matter. Shocked the noblest goal of contributing to the fight which did not, instead, hostile behavior.
They understood and recognized scientific statements described in this blog, and instead would have helped the cause of humanity's most powerful, to rescue from destruction associated with ascension, and the elimination of human stupidity, and prevented the suppression of the truth of the latest science.
Preserved remains of the old false scientific claims, knowing that false scientific facts as things were still broadcast. Still with the Higgs boson mislead the people, and know well that does not exist. From selfish interests, envy, the cover of layers of blunders, cowardice, withheld important information for the whole of humanity, they cut off the possibility of real knowledge.
Not substantiated by scientific research findings, pendulums do not have contact through the Postal System, and not refuted by the documentary evidence is not scientific truth.
They found the photons, the degree of electricity in the air space of cache, but suppressed from the world, so they wanted to save their well-paid employment, self-centered interests, leaving the existence of spaces to drift toward destruction, and with themselves and their descendants can be destroyed.
Among other things, you also helped delay times of crisis prevailing in the world, it remains only a very expensive use of energy in circulation does not get to know the people described in the blog cheap methods of winning power, and therefore even more distress to the have-nots. Millions have fled the devastation of hunger, the modern methods of healing millions of people would have made a better place, and over time they would not have a minus in front of each wavelength.
Huge mistake, even if many did just cowardice, science can not be a coward, in the old days of round courage scientists to this level in this scientific age.
Postal System of the Universe does not bellow at you this is irresponsible, unscrupulous behavior, so all twenty-four hours after contact of the pendulum through the System. Those who do not pick up and continue to hostile behavior, the gamma radiation will start for this person. You know what will be the effect.
Who is twenty-four hour period does not follow the instructions of the system also goes by the gamma ray of this world
Seriously thought to be the most powerful intelligence society passively scans the Earth and the destruction of all phases of existence, and destruction of innocent people?
Duty to consider the protection of the Earth, because the destruction of the naught minus some wavelengths can become.
2012. 06. 12.
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2012. 06. 18.
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2013. 04. 24.
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Dear LHC Scientific Research!
The meddlesome in touch with your as friend again. I hate to do because I despise, your people like you. Overcomes the negative emotions felt towards you, to warn you, as a person in charge of two disasters coming, one of which is a threat to all of humanity, and the other in Washington state. I do not go into details, read, and even if you do not run out of, all of humanity, and there is even a meager empathy, do all to the enormous problem does not happen!
If you can hide and not come in time, I will see to it that the world will know who is responsible, and this message is intelligent friends.
The danger occurs, they will be affected and you will intervene as a last resort, I recorded this right.
Unfortunately, this link has been two months since I can not put up new entries, blog about the provider's server failure, the entire contents just click the edit button is available fresh, I recommend reading this:
Original blog url: http://theoryoftheuniverse.
2013. 05. 20.
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2013. 05. 20.
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2013. 05. 18.
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I have no LHC Dear colleagues!
Intelligent friends were known to me that you are on my blog in the universe are the origins of theft. My results will be presented to the public as his own.
Moral point of view, you zero, and thus also with rolled up a three-wavelength catastrophe draws people live their peers.
The melting of polar ice have only four months to curb available, then irreversible melting process occurs, which are final completion occurs in three years.
all plenty link, it is expected to read the link http://theoryoftheuniverse.
The ice starts melting as a result of the destruction of the five billion people, epidemics, nutritional deficiency caused by the human population is cut in half in ten years.
The other two people in a positive space wavelength transferred into plants and animals re-photon body mass gain of the cover of their nutritional needs. The balance is upset, because plenty of people will be moved at a time, and fewer plants and animals, and therefore, because of the irresponsibility of people here they can starve if letting themselves.
As a true technocrat society, modern technical equipment will intervene as a last resort, do not let themselves be destroyed. Intelligent people, so they waited for the last chance for the locals to act themselves.
Are recounted their messages if you do not voluntarily admit the truth about where he got the information and scientific principles to the entire blog does not show it as it is actually acquired, the consequences put upon themselves.
Receive a shocking warning that they will know right away that we honor and what to do. But if it can not go all the way and exemplary, there are much resistance there is. This not only refers to the LHC.
Very angry, because that's human folly, now published in science and politics have experienced, they are also horrified and had to face a lot of rascality through if they wanted to or not. An intelligent society as one minus 0.5 and does not cause much trouble for them to protect themselves, but it will be painful to you!
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2013. 05. 20.
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Beérkező levelek
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2011. 11. 02.
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Dear LHC Scientific Research!
This letter, I am forced to send as a great discovery came across that has been shared with NASA and the Washington Institute for Scientific Research! NASA has requested from you so that the accelerator does not increase the tension. The documents that are sent to the Americans, including why it is very dangerous, and why it has generated electricity in the air. I described everything in detail, and much of the Universe, and operation of the generation of relevant information.
Unfortunately, Washington and NASA scientists shame how much basic mistakes in their research, they want to hide everything. You can so succinctly notified, would have exploded if it is the, contents of the file would show you not feared. The LHC researchers were not sent away, so I believe it will be better for me if the world's leading scientific research supported by the evidence.
The pendulum has led a lengthy thought process, communication is carried out, which opened as a result of hidden secrets of the universe. The pendulum of a necklace, a ring is more difficult must it, and yes a circle with a horizontal movement indicates an incorrect statement. The documents, which are summarized in a blog, it turns out, who moved the pendulum, which is higher knowledge of the intelligence. It is also clear that the human mind better-venticular node of the heart's attracted gluon ball.
The gluon spherical surface formed magnetically adhere to the information and electronic samples. The memory serves as a gluon inside a sphere, are stored in the lives of all samples collected electrons. The information network on human height in the atmosphere above the visible to the naked eye is translucent formation, weight and weight-free networks made up of material that is best seen on cloudy days.
The encoding-decoding process, and the thought process of creation and has been amply explained in the blog.
The energy absorption and transfer of knowledge of the laws of nature present in unlimited energy extraction possibilities and methods of construction will also find technical information. The negative energy of manipulative techniques are also included in the letter.
The atomic thought-controlled computer and television transmission channel silicium atom with the creation of technical design can be easily solved.
The computer makes it possible to atoms in the Universe can be found all about it.
The silica atoms television through contact with the superior intelligence, but because the information electron sample is very low power levels are in operation, only the energy levels of positive space people electron models are able to hit the negative spatial information electron samples, so talking only to people can be initiated.
The document contains the cancer, cardiovascular comorbidities, and the future of medicine, the exact methods for schizophrenia.
The Universe is a three-dimensional computer generated programmed into your system. The program is a subatomic particle energy levels of various nude.
Most importantly, is that gravity does not exist solely on the magnetic sky run the entire universe of all the process of how it was created and what is magnetism, shown in detail in the blogs.
Everything is not listed because they find a detailed description of everything, but unfortunately I do not know English well, and I can not be translated into English, but a scientific translator to do this, because every word has significance.
The blog contained an average of two hundred pages, at the very end of the beginning, and if the universe is the creation bold headline click, you can read in the process, only the bottom of the page to move on.
Request Management System of the Universe, via a pendulum for the first time that they should contact and silícium atoms to form a television and can talk through everything.
Saving the Earth and humanity is the goal the elimination of poverty, it is very worrying prospect for the future, if you continue to build on the old outdated techniques. The Universe is the most noble goals of the Management System of fighting, and I resent the Americans for their for their own selfish interests, because the only way out of shame hide to save the world.
On behalf of the Management System of the Universe I ask you to do all they can to carry out exploring the truth, because if I am obliged to turn to human rights court.
I wanted to inform President Obama that the Washington Research Institute and the NASA-profile matter how you hide from the Americans, but unfortunately it is a simple mortal like me can not call the American president. All deleted unread letter. Request Management System of the Universe to you to inform Obama, about how the two institutions are guilty of fraud. Besides, the blog also translated into English accompanies him.
If by chance, would not receive your letter, I ask for your state's top political leadership of the American President to transmit the information to ensure the success of the case because it is very important moments.
The development can not be stopped, there are many other countries can not get the latest scientific facts, but I will him to know.
The blogs show that what happened to the planet Mars. President Obama can not tell us this before, so it is urgent to notify President Obama.
Sincerely, Synux
Blog URL:
2013. 04. 27.
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2013. 04. 17.
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Dear Monika WCISLO!
Press Officer
Ultimate frustration turn to you for help, because my case, the competent persons do not respond, or respond praises. From the main defenders of the democratic functioning of the Brussels Court of Human Rights did not get help, or even a negative decision even though, I'm waiting for almost a year, and I begged them two letters.
Not all day affair is a scientific theory, which shows that the currently known and accepted science involves enormous wrong track, and how the final death-inducing disaster is imminent, if not immediately acted upon.
A blog I explored the latest scientific information, which can be raised to mankind, resolves all of the energy and financial crises, the use of a novel treatment of disease.
The sun's energy is simple to download from the market, can be found in nature can be found in limited amounts in energy-efficient method of extraction.
I do not want details see no interest, because the blog is affected by everything in abundance, and it is how I got that information.
The human body, after death, the body re-built on the principle of magnetism, and the knowledge that resides in the heart gluon ball, which is located inside the memory is saved to the new body. The death of the human body, only lose the weight, the remaining photons of the body with a so-called memory. space is a vacuum. The photon body, the effect of magnetism, ie different energy levels running again attracts electrons, and have a perfect copy of the human body is made up of only the negative energy domain. How do you make this possible in the blog is largely written.
The human brain can only receptor, leading to the heart weight and mass of consciousness resulting in no net material is made of the information flow of electrons, which is the head height of the cloudy weather, the naked eye can see. The heart of bumps on the surface of the gluon, and the information patterns are formed, so that the process of encoding and decoding network knowledge, and the spherical surface of the gluon.
Immediate superior of all, I am writing you to know that the information is already in the world of vacuum obtained from crossing our fellow human beings.
I read in the newspaper columns of esotericism that a pendulum can answer 'yes' and 'no' when hovering then yes, if a path through the air in a negative answer. I used a necklace, a ring has a thicker weight.
The esoteric, the angels are moved, according to scientists in our own mind, and I very quickly realized that the pendulum is a means of communication, and there is no question about it that the angels are moved, but not the mind.
It's been three years be obtaining a higher intelligence gained from our people crossed the highest level of scientific information, so that 'yes' and 'no' guide to the right direction, and I want to pass it, to save mankind and the lift is used.
The Hungarian science, Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the attention of the LHC is also suggested, but have not been able to answer.
Smart crossed my friends know very well understood, but interest, envy selfishness completely aloof, conceal, and every stage of human existence is a huge risk.
Is now the accepted scientific findings completely block some of the human development and destruction rolled. Anywhere, with anyone fighting the blog as described in connection with the truth of this Hungarian scientists wrote, but did not provide him an opportunity.
The Brussels Court of Human Rights was required to even investigate the case when asserting falsehoods, and explain if I'm wrong, but unfortunately this has not taken place. The democratic rights accorded me, especially in this case because it is nothing less that a year or two of all living things die, if you do not act immediately. The technical solution to avoid disaster was also detailed.
Intelligent friends who are equally at risk of extinction, not only through the pendulums can be contacted, but also modern technical means, the best of the silicon atoms television, the construction of which is described in the blog.
I would love to have described the technique, but also through pendulums, lifts the human contact them and explain in detail the way forward, because they do not want to die. They are the same flesh and blood as we only have a great knowledge and technical standards.
I know it's shocking things I write, but it's all true, mankind still know very little about, and defining the knowledge they want to help.
There is no gravity, the world's only system organizing force of magnetism, and the Universe in three-dimensional programmed computer system in which the program of the subatomic particles of an individual, but also to the one-particle characteristic energy levels on the quantity of, and a lot of different power levels existing particles always attracted to the next lower level of energy to operate.
This blog is all explained in detail, I ask you to be honest and good hearted scientists to investigate the matter and take action as soon as you contact smart friends there might be something more at stake than mankind itself to the existence of three wavelengths.
I am looking forward to your early reply, because they push me on the shoulder a huge burden, alone; tote is the responsibility of such a big, nervous trying
Read the web page, to start with the first entry, which documented the very end of the logical relationship between entries, and may be consistency.
For the sake of humanity I ask you to help me!
The English-language blog url:
Sincerely Synux
2013. 04. 26.
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2013. 04. 27.
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2013. 04. 17.
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Ultimate frustration turn to you for help, because my case, the competent persons do not respond, or respond praises. From the main defenders of the democratic functioning of the Brussels Court of Human Rights did not get help, or even a negative decision even though, I'm waiting for almost a year, and I begged them two letters.
Not all day affair is a scientific theory, which shows that the currently known and accepted science involves enormous wrong track, and how the final death-inducing disaster is imminent, if not immediately acted upon.
A blog I explored the latest scientific information, which can be raised to mankind, resolves all of the energy and financial crises, the use of a novel treatment of disease.
The sun's energy is simple to download from the market, can be found in nature can be found in limited amounts in energy-efficient method of extraction.
I do not want details see no interest, because the blog is affected by everything in abundance, and it is how I got that information.
The human body, after death, the body re-built on the principle of magnetism, and the knowledge that resides in the heart gluon ball, which is located inside the memory is saved to the new body. The death of the human body, only lose the weight, the remaining photons of the body with a so-called memory. space is a vacuum. The photon body, the effect of magnetism, ie different energy levels running again attracts electrons, and have a perfect copy of the human body is made up of only the negative energy domain. How do you make this possible in the blog is largely written.
The human brain can only receptor, leading to the heart weight and mass of consciousness resulting in no net material is made of the information flow of electrons, which is the head height of the cloudy weather, the naked eye can see. The heart of bumps on the surface of the gluon, and the information patterns are formed, so that the process of encoding and decoding network knowledge, and the spherical surface of the gluon.
Immediate superior of all, I am writing you to know that the information is already in the world of vacuum obtained from crossing our fellow human beings.
I read in the newspaper columns of esotericism that a pendulum can answer 'yes' and 'no' when hovering then yes, if a path through the air in a negative answer. I used a necklace, a ring has a thicker weight.
The esoteric, the angels are moved, according to scientists in our own mind, and I very quickly realized that the pendulum is a means of communication, and there is no question about it that the angels are moved, but not the mind.
It's been three years be obtaining a higher intelligence gained from our people crossed the highest level of scientific information, so that 'yes' and 'no' guide to the right direction, and I want to pass it, to save mankind and the lift is used.
The Hungarian science, Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the attention of the LHC is also suggested, but have not been able to answer.
Smart crossed my friends know very well understood, but interest, envy selfishness completely aloof, conceal, and every stage of human existence is a huge risk.
Is now the accepted scientific findings completely block some of the human development and destruction rolled. Anywhere, with anyone fighting the blog as described in connection with the truth of this Hungarian scientists wrote, but did not provide him an opportunity.
The Brussels Court of Human Rights was required to even investigate the case when asserting falsehoods, and explain if I'm wrong, but unfortunately this has not taken place. The democratic rights accorded me, especially in this case because it is nothing less that a year or two of all living things die, if you do not act immediately. The technical solution to avoid disaster was also detailed.
Intelligent friends who are equally at risk of extinction, not only through the pendulums can be contacted, but also modern technical means, the best of the silicon atoms television, the construction of which is described in the blog.
I would love to have described the technique, but also through pendulums, lifts the human contact them and explain in detail the way forward, because they do not want to die. They are the same flesh and blood as we only have a great knowledge and technical standards.
I know it's shocking things I write, but it's all true, mankind still know very little about, and defining the knowledge they want to help.
There is no gravity, the world's only system organizing force of magnetism, and the Universe in three-dimensional programmed computer system in which the program of the subatomic particles of an individual, but also to the one-particle characteristic energy levels on the quantity of, and a lot of different power levels existing particles always attracted to the next lower level of energy to operate.
This blog is all explained in detail, I ask you to be honest and good hearted scientists to investigate the matter and take action as soon as you contact smart friends there might be something more at stake than mankind itself to the existence of three wavelengths.
I am looking forward to your early reply, because they push me on the shoulder a huge burden, alone; tote is the responsibility of such a big, nervous trying
Read the web page, to start with the first entry, which documented the very end of the logical relationship between entries, and may be consistency.
For the sake of humanity I ask you to help me!
The English-language http://www.
Sincerely Synux
2013. 04. 26.
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2013. 04. 27.
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2013. 04. 17.
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Ultimate frustration turn to you for help, because my case, the competent persons do not respond, or respond praises. From the main defenders of the democratic functioning of the Brussels Court of Human Rights did not get help, or even a negative decision even though, I'm waiting for almost a year, and I begged them two letters.
Not all day affair is a scientific theory, which shows that the currently known and accepted science involves enormous wrong track, and how the final death-inducing disaster is imminent, if not immediately acted upon.
A blog I explored the latest scientific information, which can be raised to mankind, resolves all of the energy and financial crises, the use of a novel treatment of disease.
The sun's energy is simple to download from the market, can be found in nature can be found in limited amounts in energy-efficient method of extraction.
I do not want details see no interest, because the blog is affected by everything in abundance, and it is how I got that information.
The human body, after death, the body re-built on the principle of magnetism, and the knowledge that resides in the heart gluon ball, which is located inside the memory is saved to the new body. The death of the human body, only lose the weight, the remaining photons of the body with a so-called memory. space is a vacuum. The photon body, the effect of magnetism, ie different energy levels running again attracts electrons, and have a perfect copy of the human body is made up of only the negative energy domain. How do you make this possible in the blog is largely written.
The human brain can only receptor, leading to the heart weight and mass of consciousness resulting in no net material is made of the information flow of electrons, which is the head height of the cloudy weather, the naked eye can see. The heart of bumps on the surface of the gluon, and the information patterns are formed, so that the process of encoding and decoding network knowledge, and the spherical surface of the gluon.
Immediate superior of all, I am writing you to know that the information is already in the world of vacuum obtained from crossing our fellow human beings.
I read in the newspaper columns of esotericism that a pendulum can answer 'yes' and 'no' when hovering then yes, if a path through the air in a negative answer. I used a necklace, a ring has a thicker weight.
The esoteric, the angels are moved, according to scientists in our own mind, and I very quickly realized that the pendulum is a means of communication, and there is no question about it that the angels are moved, but not the mind.
It's been three years be obtaining a higher intelligence gained from our people crossed the highest level of scientific information, so that 'yes' and 'no' guide to the right direction, and I want to pass it, to save mankind and the lift is used.
The Hungarian science, Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the attention of the LHC is also suggested, but have not been able to answer.
Smart crossed my friends know very well understood, but interest, envy selfishness completely aloof, conceal, and every stage of human existence is a huge risk.
Is now the accepted scientific findings completely block some of the human development and destruction rolled. Anywhere, with anyone fighting the blog as described in connection with the truth of this Hungarian scientists wrote, but did not provide him an opportunity.
The Brussels Court of Human Rights was required to even investigate the case when asserting falsehoods, and explain if I'm wrong, but unfortunately this has not taken place. The democratic rights accorded me, especially in this case because it is nothing less that a year or two of all living things die, if you do not act immediately. The technical solution to avoid disaster was also detailed.
Intelligent friends who are equally at risk of extinction, not only through the pendulums can be contacted, but also modern technical means, the best of the silicon atoms television, the construction of which is described in the blog.
I would love to have described the technique, but also through pendulums, lifts the human contact them and explain in detail the way forward, because they do not want to die. They are the same flesh and blood as we only have a great knowledge and technical standards.
I know it's shocking things I write, but it's all true, mankind still know very little about, and defining the knowledge they want to help.
There is no gravity, the world's only system organizing force of magnetism, and the Universe in three-dimensional programmed computer system in which the program of the subatomic particles of an individual, but also to the one-particle characteristic energy levels on the quantity of, and a lot of different power levels existing particles always attracted to the next lower level of energy to operate.
This blog is all explained in detail, I ask you to be honest and good hearted scientists to investigate the matter and take action as soon as you contact smart friends there might be something more at stake than mankind itself to the existence of three wavelengths.
I am looking forward to your early reply, because they push me on the shoulder a huge burden, alone; tote is the responsibility of such a big, nervous trying
Read the web page, to start with the first entry, which documented the very end of the logical relationship between entries, and may be consistency.
For the sake of humanity I ask you to help me!
The English-language blog url: http://www.
Sincerely Synux
2013. 04. 26.
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2013. 04. 27.
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2013. 04. 17.
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Ultimate frustration turn to you for help, because my case, the competent persons do not respond, or respond praises. From the main defenders of the democratic functioning of the Brussels Court of Human Rights did not get help, or even a negative decision even though, I'm waiting for almost a year, and I begged them two letters.
Not all day affair is a scientific theory, which shows that the currently known and accepted science involves enormous wrong track, and how the final death-inducing disaster is imminent, if not immediately acted upon.
A blog I explored the latest scientific information, which can be raised to mankind, resolves all of the energy and financial crises, the use of a novel treatment of disease.
The sun's energy is simple to download from the market, can be found in nature can be found in limited amounts in energy-efficient method of extraction.
I do not want details see no interest, because the blog is affected by everything in abundance, and it is how I got that information.
The human body, after death, the body re-built on the principle of magnetism, and the knowledge that resides in the heart gluon ball, which is located inside the memory is saved to the new body. The death of the human body, only lose the weight, the remaining photons of the body with a so-called memory. space is a vacuum. The photon body, the effect of magnetism, ie different energy levels running again attracts electrons, and have a perfect copy of the human body is made up of only the negative energy domain. How do you make this possible in the blog is largely written.
The human brain can only receptor, leading to the heart weight and mass of consciousness resulting in no net material is made of the information flow of electrons, which is the head height of the cloudy weather, the naked eye can see. The heart of bumps on the surface of the gluon, and the information patterns are formed, so that the process of encoding and decoding network knowledge, and the spherical surface of the gluon.
Immediate superior of all, I am writing you to know that the information is already in the world of vacuum obtained from crossing our fellow human beings.
I read in the newspaper columns of esotericism that a pendulum can answer 'yes' and 'no' when hovering then yes, if a path through the air in a negative answer. I used a necklace, a ring has a thicker weight.
The esoteric, the angels are moved, according to scientists in our own mind, and I very quickly realized that the pendulum is a means of communication, and there is no question about it that the angels are moved, but not the mind.
It's been three years be obtaining a higher intelligence gained from our people crossed the highest level of scientific information, so that 'yes' and 'no' guide to the right direction, and I want to pass it, to save mankind and the lift is used.
The Hungarian science, Prime Minister Viktor Orban and the attention of the LHC is also suggested, but have not been able to answer.
Smart crossed my friends know very well understood, but interest, envy selfishness completely aloof, conceal, and every stage of human existence is a huge risk.
Is now the accepted scientific findings completely block some of the human development and destruction rolled. Anywhere, with anyone fighting the blog as described in connection with the truth of this Hungarian scientists wrote, but did not provide him an opportunity.
The Brussels Court of Human Rights was required to even investigate the case when asserting falsehoods, and explain if I'm wrong, but unfortunately this has not taken place. The democratic rights accorded me, especially in this case because it is nothing less that a year or two of all living things die, if you do not act immediately. The technical solution to avoid disaster was also detailed.
Intelligent friends who are equally at risk of extinction, not only through the pendulums can be contacted, but also modern technical means, the best of the silicon atoms television, the construction of which is described in the blog.
I would love to have described the technique, but also through pendulums, lifts the human contact them and explain in detail the way forward, because they do not want to die. They are the same flesh and blood as we only have a great knowledge and technical standards.
I know it's shocking things I write, but it's all true, mankind still know very little about, and defining the knowledge they want to help.
There is no gravity, the world's only system organizing force of magnetism, and the Universe in three-dimensional programmed computer system in which the program of the subatomic particles of an individual, but also to the one-particle characteristic energy levels on the quantity of, and a lot of different power levels existing particles always attracted to the next lower level of energy to operate.
This blog is all explained in detail, I ask you to be honest and good hearted scientists to investigate the matter and take action as soon as you contact smart friends there might be something more at stake than mankind itself to the existence of three wavelengths.
I am looking forward to your early reply, because they push me on the shoulder a huge burden, alone; tote is the responsibility of such a big, nervous trying
Read the web page, to start with the first entry, which documented the very end of the logical relationship between entries, and may be consistency.
For the sake of humanity I ask you to help me!
The English-language blog url: http://www.
Sincerely Synux
2013. 04. 17.
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Dear Pablo Amor ERC Fellow !
2013. 04. 26.
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the search for truth![]()
Dear Prof. Helga Nowotny, Ph.D.!
Once again I take liberties, the origin of the universe who sent you the real theory. I know that you are there at the top, and they ignore a stranger who just appears out of nowhere and asks them to read what you wrote. I shared, and you tossed it aside, and this has taken away the possibility of their entering to prevent trouble. Web url: http://www.
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2013. 04. 19.
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Dear Monika Wcislo press officer!
Once again I take liberties, the origin of the universe who sent you the real theory. I know that you are there at the top, and they ignore a stranger who just appears out of nowhere and asks them to read what you wrote.
I also know that without reading ignored and deleted.
Very big mistake, as the cause of saving humanity destroyed.
I believe that to be meaningful, who will be out of your scope, and the like?
Very indignant, this process because of a serious disaster prevention is concerned, and the elevation of mankind, eliminating the possibility of crisis.
A lot of my fatigue was a lot of profit, and you just go over it?
I understand that they are there to serve the interests of humanity, and if they are under threat, as soon as possible to prevent it.
So far, so I knew that if someone is in possession of new information that is useful, share a duty to mankind.
I shared, and you tossed it aside, and this has taken away the possibility of their entering to prevent trouble.
Please Take your precious time and know that it is very serious matter.
And a big job to make the truth? After all this, there is a possibility of proof.
And a great thing to take delivery of a pendulum that is really communication instrument?
If you do not deal with documentation at a later stage is they will regret it can not be corrected by the omission!
Web url: http://
Sincerely Synux
2013. 04. 26.
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2013. 04. 27.
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2013. 04. 19.
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Once again I take liberties, the origin of the universe who sent you the real theory. I know that you are there at the top, and they ignore a stranger who just appears out of nowhere and asks them to read what you wrote.
I also know that without reading ignored and deleted.
Very big mistake, as the cause of saving humanity destroyed.
I believe that to be meaningful, who will be out of your scope, and the like?
Very indignant, this process because of a serious disaster prevention is concerned, and the elevation of mankind, eliminating the possibility of crisis.
A lot of my fatigue was a lot of profit, and you just go over it?
I understand that they are there to serve the interests of humanity, and if they are under threat, as soon as possible to prevent it.
So far, so I knew that if someone is in possession of new information that is useful, share a duty to mankind.
I shared, and you tossed it aside, and this has taken away the possibility of their entering to prevent trouble.
Please Take your precious time and know that it is very serious matter.
And a big job to make the truth? After all this, there is a possibility of proof.
And a great thing to take delivery of a pendulum that is really communication instrument?
If you do not deal with documentation at a later stage is they will regret it can not be corrected by the omission!
Web url: http://www.
Sincerely Synux
2013. 04. 26.
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2013. 04. 27.
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2013. 05. 03.
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2013. 04. 30.
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Dear Ms Synux!
Thank you for your message and interest in the European Research Council.
The European Research Council’s (ERC) mission is to encourage the highest quality research in Europe through competitive funding and to support investigator-initiated frontier research across all fields of research, on the basis of scientific excellence.
The ERC grants are awarded through open competition to projects headed by starting and established researchers, irrespective of their origins, who are working or moving to work in Europe. Researchers (not Universities) from anywhere in the world (so also from Russia) can apply for ERC grants provided the research they undertake will be carried out in an EU Member State (EU) or Associated Country (AC). Further details can be found in our Work programme (available on the ERC website at the following URL:
Since 2007, the ERC has completed ten calls for its main schemes, Starting Grants (StG) and Advanced Grants (AdG). The ten completed competitions yielded over 40,000 proposals out of which more than 3,400 have been selected for funding through a rigorous peer review process with a total commitment of over € 5.7 billion.
We hope this answers your question, but please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information you may require,
With kind regards
European Research Council Executive Agency
ERC.A.1 - Support to the Scientific Council
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
From: [mailto:univerzum20110730@
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 7:26 PM
Dear Pablo Amor ERC fellow!
2013. 04. 30.
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2013. 04. 30.
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2013. 05. 01.
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2013. 05. 01.
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2013. 05. 03.
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2013. 05. 01.
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ERC Scientific Council Dear Colleagues!
I do not understand their response, but I have my suspicions about what they wanted. Request to the essence of divergent answers do not get, have, I confess frankly very surprised.
To avoid any misunderstanding now formulate clear.
Because you have to check the purity of science right and complete picture of the latest scientific principles, it may also be questioned in scientific institutions and individuals, why it is considered the key information mankind does not exist, and why they come across it?
I think I explained what plenty of danger to human society, the threat can not be deferred.
The issue of human research application fee can not be managed.
I do not get it either, why you can not be satisfied by the truth, as it is simple, you just need to look into the air and glared at the height of the head of a pendulum?
If you really want to do good for the people to take up soon in touch with intelligent friends, pendulum, or silicon atoms, changing channel TV.
2013. 05. 21.
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For Siim Callas!
Deeply shocked intelligent friends, rather than help, the purest science they want to run, and considered unscientific. Wish deleted my blog and to report me to the present representatives of science therefore defamation, married news therefore dissemination
I'm also very sad because I hoped that you will like the purity of science and democratism guardians, and provide us their hands.
You just as deceitful as the rest, and top-to guarantee to the people of lies, while real peril haunted of humanity, and it is inexcusable.
You have with scientific evidence mine claim is correct, minus some evidence in each of my friends told me.
Since the original are grossly violate their obligations to provide and co-hands half of humanity, a charge of minus 0.5 and kill people, my friends intervene immediately.
Once they have received and read this letter, immediate retaliation is imposed with you. While you change your mind and decided to act in the right way, you can beg for their lives, yet one can obtain forgiveness, but no more. Since not allow themselves to destroy them due to the protection of the handful of people in a group selfish, unscrupulous interests, so now the whole world went into action. Each leader, scientist, politician, gets them what they deserve. Thought to how to decide, if they resist, the less certain wavelengths face - to give numbers from their infamous behavior.
2013. 05. 21.
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Deeply shocked intelligent friends, rather than help, the purest science they want to run, and considered unscientific. Wish deleted my blog and to report me to the present representatives of science therefore defamation, married news therefore dissemination
I'm also very sad because I hoped that you will like the purity of science and democratism guardians, and provide us their hands.
You just as deceitful as the rest, and top-to guarantee to the people of lies, while real peril haunted of humanity, and it is inexcusable.
You have with scientific evidence mine claim is correct, minus some evidence in each of my friends told me.
Since the original are grossly violate their obligations to provide and co-hands half of humanity, a charge of minus 0.5 and kill people, my friends intervene immediately.
Once they have received and read this letter, immediate retaliation is imposed with you. While you change your mind and decided to act in the right way, you can beg for their lives, yet one can obtain forgiveness, but no more. Since not allow themselves to destroy them due to the protection of the handful of people in a group selfish, unscrupulous interests, so now the whole world went into action. Each leader, scientist, politician, gets them what they deserve. Thought to how to decide, if they resist, the less certain wavelengths face - to give numbers from their infamous behavior.
2013. 05. 21.
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For Eva Kondorosi!
2013. 05. 21.
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For Helga Nowotny Phd !
Deeply shocked intelligent friends, rather than help, the purest science they want to run, and considered unscientific. Wish deleted my blog and to report me to the present representatives of science therefore defamation, married news therefore dissemination
I'm also very sad because I hoped that you will like the purity of science and democratism guardians, and provide us their hands.
You just as deceitful as the rest, and top-to guarantee to the people of lies, while real peril haunted of humanity, and it is inexcusable.
You have with scientific evidence mine claim is correct, minus some evidence in each of my friends told me.
Since the original are grossly violate their obligations to provide and co-hands half of humanity, a charge of minus 0.5 and kill people, my friends intervene immediately.
Once they have received and read this letter, immediate retaliation is imposed with you. While you change your mind and decided to act in the right way, you can beg for their lives, yet one can obtain forgiveness, but no more. Since not allow themselves to destroy them due to the protection of the handful of people in a group selfish, unscrupulous interests, so now the whole world went into action. Each leader, scientist, politician, gets them what they deserve. Thought to how to decide, if they resist, the less certain wavelengths face - to give numbers from their infamous behavior.
2013. 05. 21.
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For Monika Wcislo!
Deeply shocked intelligent friends, rather than help, the purest science they want to run, and considered unscientific. Wish deleted my blog and to report me to the present representatives of science therefore defamation, married news therefore dissemination
I'm also very sad because I hoped that you will like the purity of science and democratism guardians, and provide us their hands.
You just as deceitful as the rest, and top-to guarantee to the people of lies, while real peril haunted of humanity, and it is inexcusable.
You have with scientific evidence mine claim is correct, minus some evidence in each of my friends told me.
Since the original are grossly violate their obligations to provide and co-hands half of humanity, a charge of minus 0.5 and kill people, my friends intervene immediately.
Once they have received and read this letter, immediate retaliation is imposed with you. While you change your mind and decided to act in the right way, you can beg for their lives, yet one can obtain forgiveness, but no more. Since not allow themselves to destroy them due to the protection of the handful of people in a group selfish, unscrupulous interests, so now the whole world went into action. Each leader, scientist, politician, gets them what they deserve. Thought to how to decide, if they resist, the less certain wavelengths face - to give numbers from their infamous behavior.
2013. 05. 21.
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For Donald B. Dingwell
Deeply shocked intelligent friends, rather than help, the purest science they want to run, and considered unscientific. Wish deleted my blog and to report me to the present representatives of science therefore defamation, married news therefore dissemination
I'm also very sad because I hoped that you will like the purity of science and democratism guardians, and provide us their hands.
You just as deceitful as the rest, and top-to guarantee to the people of lies, while real peril haunted of humanity, and it is inexcusable.
You have with scientific evidence mine claim is correct, minus some evidence in each of my friends told me.
Since the original are grossly violate their obligations to provide and co-hands half of humanity, a charge of minus 0.5 and kill people, my friends intervene immediately.
Once they have received and read this letter, immediate retaliation is imposed with you. While you change your mind and decided to act in the right way, you can beg for their lives, yet one can obtain forgiveness, but no more. Since not allow themselves to destroy them due to the protection of the handful of people in a group selfish, unscrupulous interests, so now the whole world went into action. Each leader, scientist, politician, gets them what they deserve. Thought to how to decide, if they resist, the less certain wavelengths face - to give numbers from their infamous behavior.
Comments to IV.
The Hungarian Nation /Magyar Nemzet/ newspaper today said the storms
We can not escape the c. articles that storms, typical of the equatorial cyclones, causing corners to shift. On these pages you can read:
Article translations:
Increasingly moving away from the equator in tropical cyclones, storm expected more because of it.
James Kossin, the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and colleagues carried out their research on the phenomenon presented in the scientific journal Nature.
In the Northern Hemisphere cyclones on average 53 kilometers migrated towards the North Pole, while the southern hemisphere 62 kilometers outh direction. The change in the Pacific Ocean and the Southern Indian Ocean is particularly significant, while the Atlantic Ocean is almost imperceptible. The northern part of the Indian Ocean, in addition to some cyclone was retiring towards the equator. Globally, however, the shift towards the poles of the characteristic.
There are several areas which so far escaped the tropical storms, the future can expect these effects. However, residents of a relatively large area along the equator sit escape of such natural disasters. However, the lack of storms in some areas can result in water shortages.
It is not known what causes the shift of the storm zone. Many researchers assumes that the phenomenon is related to the effects of climate change, such as greenhouse gases, ozone depletion and air pollution.
The storm formation is highly influenced by some specific winds, pressure equalization which provide a variety of heights from air layers. The pressure difference increases the chances of developing tropical storms.
A number of test sequence evaluation was demonstrated that these winds the past few decades has intensified the equator region. The limits of the tropical climate zone, however, weakened, so it increased the risk of contracting tropical storms.
Continue to submit comments:
The south and north pole region to start from the high-pressure cold air to the lower pressure warmer atmosphere and more easily mixed with the lower pressure, the greater the difference between the energy levels.
As a result of increased solar activity, the additional irradiation of ice in Antarctica is melting, and the pressure drop caused by the atmosphere is gradually getting warmer. The usual pressure of less cold air will start flowing out of the cyclone formation is not the same place. The pressure is now sufficient to towards the south pole 62 km from the equator cause cyclone formation. In the northern corner of the same processes are pushed to the corners 53 km away.
The Pacific - Indian Ocean and the difference between the average characteristics of air masses of raised energy levels gradually unravel, so there a big change can be detected.
Over the Atlantic Ocean was not a big change, because of the great changes taking place over the mainland, just think of the European and North American storms, cold or burglary.
Due to the increased solar activity fell for the whole climate balance, carbon dioxide emissions, and greenhouse gases are only minimally affected by global warming.
An honest Hungarian scientist at NASA who worked, it has been demonstrated that it is not the cause of global warming, greenhouse gases, but NASA did not release it officially find out. The article on this can be read at the following link:
Article translations:
MagyarLeaks: No errors found in the MTA climate Miskolczi's theory
Ferenc Miskolczi, a former NASA atmospheric physicist claims that no carbon dioxide is causing global warming. The Geodetic and Geophysical Research Institute of the 2011th in January launched the project in camera Ferenc Miskolczi critical examination of research results. This study is now complete and will result in a report to our report found no substantial error Miskolczi's calculations, however, the reporting according to their "support international efforts to limit global carbon emissions." Miskolczi, this is bullshit. Contributing Select a report prepared by the Nicholas Zágoni, Ferenc Miskolczi and comments on the report. Bonus Track: Video Interview with Ferenc Miskolczi.
The physicist Ferenc Miskolczi education adventurous way from the U.S. space reference only . He started his career in 1971 at the National Weather Service began the Institute of Atmospheric Physics , and has achieved excellent results in the field of infrared radiation transmission. The Modena European Theoretical Physics Research Center employee worked at the end of the 80s, the model known as Hart's Code , one of the best in the world matters: it is in a few radiation transfer model in which the newly orbit satellites, radiation monitoring equipment will be tested . From there the road led straight to NASA , where between 2001 and 2006, the Langley Research Center worked in senior colleague .
Since the currently accepted theory to refute the greenhouse effect results from NASA would not let me communicate , Miskolczi resigned the U.S. space agency. Since then, further supported by calculations , and Hungary also published swept under the carpet climate theory . Censored Science: Ferenc Miskolczi's theory was silent air
Ferenc Miskolczi recent scholarly article manuscript, and its criticisms, endorsement by the leak, after communication of both positive and negative, despite criticism rejected the journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health section. This procedure is contrary to some of the scientific peer review under the rules of the game, while others may have been regular, repeated often enough in any case with Miskolczi to be able to talk to the author muted. Read full story.
Censored Science: Ferenc Miskolczi's theory was silent air
Ferenc Miskolczi recent scholarly article manuscript, and its criticisms, endorsement by the leak, after communication of both positive and negative, despite criticism rejected the journal International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health section. This procedure is contrary to some of the scientific peer review under the rules of the game, while others may have been regular, repeated often enough in any case with Miskolczi to be able to talk to the author muted. Read full story.
From global warming now everyone has heard of, and also be able to believe that the release of greenhouse gases caused by human activity, climate changes of the past decades. Greenhouse gases, primarily to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions of global efforts taking place, billions of dollars have moved on to the target and new industries were created, because if we do not stem the tide in the atmosphere harmful processes, the end of the century in arid adapted to the temperate zone, are much more frequent become a devastating natural disasters and even feet are also an increase in sea level, multi-million metropolises and scrub entire countries off the map of the world is currently known.
Ferenc Miskolczi, however, during his research at NASA, based on empirical data, concluded that the scientific consensus significantly overestimates the role of greenhouse gases warming the planet. Miskolczi's theory would imply that involves the misguided mainstream climate research, what in the world are spending billions of dollars a year. Multiples of climate research by astronomical amounts moved in the new industries that are specific to legitimize the reduction of carbon emissions and the carbon quota.
The GGKI 2011th January silence, a critical examination of Ferenc Miskolczi in camera launched a project research results. The study was carried out by physicist Nicholas Zágoni in about a year, who made it accounts report (PDF) wrote that "the material has been compiled Ferenc Miskolczi independently; I tried the maximum separation distance, objectivity, revealing a critical approach pursued. "
Zágoni in March, said research and reporting of the Hungarian Oranges that "no objections have not found appreciable compared with the results of the calculation and the basic conclusions are based. Miskolczi proved the central contention of my research; also very serious weaknesses and errors were detected in the paradigm held valid today. [...] The conclusion casually mention the current global warming is not greenhouse warming. "
However, Executive Summary of the Zágoni report at the same time he confesses in addition to the current , criticized by Miskolczi paradigm : "We believe the scientific results of Ferenc Miskolczi support international efforts to global limit carbon emissions, but climate change is caused by the magnitude , nature and local relationships the appearance of a fundamental rethink is required. [...] His method (which is probably "precision radiation - transfer" can be called ) strong science policy support at reasonable, especially given that you can use the first would be possible in the climate change caused by carbon dioxide emissions, the real nature , extent and spatial distribution of understanding . Miskolczi 's work immediate serious professional success would have expected if the results do not contradict the (otherwise reasonable ) support for international efforts to reduce emissions of arguments . "
Miskolczi the complete lack of professionalism speaks
You're not happy about the scientists tested the theory on MTA report . Ferenc Miskolczi Zágoni the report made observations (PDF ) states that the document can be found countless statement does not agree with and it is not considered an objective assessment of the work .
" I am sorry I have taken note that Nicholas Zágoni in relation to the research results , they used proposing to regulate carbon dioxide emissions [ ... ] research results on climate change, the only clear conclusion that the people in the scientific public opinion, sociologists and politicians interested in the interconnection of the carbon dioxide greenhouse effect and global warming cause-effect level for the refutation . This means that the potential of increased carbon dioxide emissions and the associated (if any) increase in atmospheric absorption unscientific explanation of global warming. If the above statement is true, then obvious international and domestic Efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions total nonsense .
If global warming is proven to exist and the extent of proven detrimental to humanity, it is also evident from the available research in this direction anyway need for reallocation of scarce financial and technical resources to explore the root causes of warming. [...] The dissemination of global warming and to clarify the relationship between atmospheric CO2 of paramount importance, as scientifically unfounded views, state media by none other than the people institutionalized misleading. In my opinion, pull billions of taxpayers' pockets under the control of carbon dioxide greenhouse effect and global warming and the IPCC and other, mostly well-paid, government offices sitting (mostly lay ) so-called financial experts greenhouse sing sin . The report 's conclusion Zágoni kind as to read, the need for global regulation of carbon dioxide. The results of the more than thirty years of work this conclusion only and may complete lack of objectivity and professionalism. "
The recent disclosure of documents do not want to, I do not have the ability to take a stand which took place around the Miskolczi theory and scientific and political debates, only performs the task: in front of the public library and discussion a belief at the information of the public opinion.
Zágoni >>> Nicholas: a critical examination of the research results of Ferenc Miskolczi - report report GGKI (PDF)
Ferenc Miskolczi >>>: Nicholas GGKI Comments Zágoni "Ferenc Miskolczi critical examination of research results" in its report with a review (PDF)
2014.05. 17.
For sudanese woman a supplication
When I read the news that a For sudanese woman my partner, how despicable and cruel death penalty in the Christian faith, all afternoon trickled the tears from my eyes.
Grasped my body and the pain in my soul, that He might feel.
When my daughter was born and was first held in my arms, it was the happiest day of my life. I can not imagine what kind of evil, should such an incredibly despicable judgment.
Even grace exercised not to get pregnant with a hundred lashes, and then hang! It's amazing to enter the twenty-first century!
Whose sins? Why should Christianity reimbursed Sudan, who stood for this?
The missionary all very well done, very quickly because you started the machine boggling.
Who dries the soul to such a great degree of backwardness exploited without external interventions, but they directed testabol mowing each other down.
On these pages you can read what caused the insertion of Christianity, other religions.
The webpages to read the whole truth that God was not the creation of the universe, three-dimensional, self -programmed, self-excited, self-improving computer system. The responsibility of scientists from then on every single loss of life in the name of religions, because each person associated with enlightenment, regardless of what kind of lives in underdeveloped countries. Should inform everyone that they can not keep anyone from stupid, because innocent die a cruel death, for something that does not make sense.
In the case of the sudanese women human rights defenders are not going to achieve anything, so the European and American governments on cooperation would be necessary, because if you turn a blind eye so inhumanly disgraceful case, may issue a certificate for themselves the great immorality.
Created by the universe beings are entitled to equal protection, not only of the expected profit to be another community to move all people, sentient beings, and we are people, not to let an innocent die from suffering a vulnerable young mother who just start in life, and Christianity will die in death agony, a world of false image, which could be programmed into it because of ignorance.
What was needed in Sudan to Christianity? Why should African nations tease each other about their faith completely alien? At least for once, to correct the mistake you made with our ancestors
If seven billion people stand watching the torture death of an innocent mother, then I would have to say that everyone deserves the disaster.
Everyone who knows anything done individually or in groups, so he should do, let us show that we are compassionate people!
Since a lot of this letter is to weboldalamira cast, it takes a lot of time, and most web authoring interface, saves only unformatted so you do not see the credibility. It is therefore possible to read at the following link:
the version translated into English:
Every day I'm going to put together a few times as my time allows.
The pendulum and stupidity
The pendulum unusual behavior, has long been well known. Many people search for water, some angel for communication. The representatives of science held them completely foreign territory, can not be classified as, uncover the exact measurement, experimentation methods include physical phenomena. So I left the mystical world as a tool that really gives indications inexplicably, no questions. Science did this because any sensible explanation could not serve.
The other wavelengths live my friends know that the Budapest University of Technology investigated and found that the human mind moves. But how? He shoots the chemical, the pendulum or electrical pulses, cottage-style slaps? However, the pendulum regular draw circles and lines in space, and quite understandably respond to the individual who asked not need much experience to anyone deciding to make intelligent communication is concerned.
The scientific Mr limitation, boundless, mean a good imagination of man could bring out of it a lot more because, with angels talk to the reflection of the truth, all I would have to figure out who they are angels, and how and where they exist? They can not stand to swallow that did not explain the scientific circles of theirs to someone this mystery, so I leave the current standard of living of the people, and come to disaster.
The big bang theory is already quite young laughter provoked me, I never believed it for a whole illogical nonsense.
Ever doubted that some little electricity and chemicals in the brain, can create such a high level of human thinking.
I always believed the experiences of ordinary people, so my consciousness is very much obscure place canceled. Therefore, looking for the answers that I could not wait to never science.
Since I know that from the electrons are ripped the fit of and codes of thought has energy levels can be arranged on the surface of the spheres gluon thinking patterns, my consciousness became much clearer.
I never understood the space-time, as it turned out that it can not be, but the scientific Mr are well aware of the impossible. Looking back, thinking back, really, I can only say how much crap the brain chemical functioning, wait intellect.
Dear Scientific sir, how to encode by chemicals in the thoughts, have been explained to me, if you understand it, and then I apologize, but not until then.
The history of human folly has written a lot of people, and points of science, and the media that serve them leave deep ignorance of the people. As soon as news comes a mysterious, star right in the side of the main page, and the science gets along well with him.
Hence, then, the people fear the pendulum has hands-because many people are afraid of ghosts. The science of ghosts too rigidly aloof, but rather let people believe what they want.
As no ghosts, demons, devils, god does not exist, there is only one real honest science.
Smart friends, fucking annoying to watch them in spirit. They are super intelligent beings, often wanted to call attention to themselves, which were the horror stories.
My writing with fire and sword they want to kill me, because when all people will be enlightened, you can not take advantage of them. Everyone wakes to consciousness, and realize that every person is a form of intelligent consciousness, not only get the opportunity to fill it with meaningful information.
If the thought-controlled computer, establish codes, there will be no obstacle to the better life.
It will be settled over the society because everyone will live in prosperity, and no longer will be required for anyone to obeisance on anyone. Therefore, the goals continue to fight for all the people, who can get in touch with crossed live living, flesh-and-blood friends.
Organize to prepare a silicon atoms TV because their control is needed, without them, no one is going anywhere. Unfortunately I do not have the money, go for daily living is hard, so try to catch up, and if no other way to collect.
The majority of our live wavelength professionals are not aware of the existence of the pendulum communication, many people think that the whole thing is a gimmick. There are those who are considered primitive device, the pendulum, but only do this for humanity, for the other wavelengths, high technology can solve everything. They have all kinds of modern facilities, the activities, a high level that the people here, I can not imagine. Is to us, even just a pendulum, the grade us, not them.
Since it was very suspicious to me that something exists, you can not find the gravity since time immemorial, has been asked about it immediately after the second or third commute.
Very strongly swinging in a straight line and so not surprised. Since the gravitational pull incomprehensible kept, I could not imagine why the material bodies attract each other? If you have found gravitons, you would not understand. Because what are the gravitons? Unfortunately, I am skeptical of these people?
The Higgs bosons obtain mass is completely vague and does not correspond to reality. It is much more logical and simple process that takes place, the weight and mass of photons generated material without fuse, and another on his back, pressed, create the weight of the atom.
In other words do not exist in mass as the Universe, not to other materials.
Anyone who has seen the consciousness net, see the material without the weight and bulk of the photons exist, just before egg-shaped aura. After the radiation of photons becomes a plasma, from which the whole universe is a forming a blessing that started.
Every person I wish to become thoughtful creature, and not to accept as fact, all the things that you convey the official science, but first think through, and if the receiving logic, it must be true. Consciousness is refuses to accept illogical things, because if one does not fit either a conceptual model code, it has no place anywhere, the statement is not true!
I I admired the heart of the universe, not for money, fame and a vast, beautiful and inscrutable giant looked up adoringly. A video of the universe, the tears come into my eyes even more, because I did not want to die until you know the secret of existence. I was sad that they have to escape from it, that I could not find anything substantive reply.
Now when finally I could be happy because I learned the mysteries of the universe is well isolated and are happy to have shared it with everyone, I first of scientists-who is not happy with. The man is a social being and yet, due to lack of understanding, I was alone in my principles, and I wanted to enjoy my fellow man with all my heart, because I thought that they will be enthusiastic about as I do. In such a case, if I had known these things from someone else, even the average man or scientist would have inclined me dance.
All I wanted to do that as quickly as possibl, make use of the world's latest scientific spirit, which was a gift from friends living in other wavelengths of mankind!
The physics of disaster 2014.05.31.
I got quite accurate information, physical events related to the disaster.
I had already started the process when the atmosphere of a well-balanced energy level differences have increased, so that the higher pressure polar air masses more readily penetrate into the interior of the Earth. This lasts both directions until all polar air comes out not. The corners of the vacuum is generated, it means that you are pushing the space, a vacuum is created, the corresponding temperature 271C○-value.
The vacuum sucks the sun continuously emitted photons, or plasma, until it reaches one atmosphere pressure, and this characteristic value -70C○
Sun rays due to small angles of incidence of this maximum value for air.
Then again will be the highest pressure, plasma pressure, which gradually push forward the front and air masses from the north pole to the south pole points and vice versa, to the south of the north. So in the end will be gradually re-atmosphere over the Arctic and areas without the atmosphere, until the original air mass quantity is not there. Together with the moisture of the air mass is received, which pour down hail as a result of the rapid cooling and long-term exposure to cold with frost with block ice. If the difference between the energy levels are matched, then the amount is constant.
By that time, all over the earth cools the air and through -30C○ two weeks will be the average temperature.
Together with the polar atmosphere from the polar ice flows humidity and rapid cooling due to the electrons in water , which have been further from the usual electron orbits , suddenly returned to their original positions , and all rain water molecule is formed. But as the temperature drops very suddenly minus 30C○ on, descend to earth in the form of hail. In a very short time 5cm thick layer of ice formed around the surface, which can result in permanent minus degrees are quickly becoming ice stiffens.
The two weeks of minus 30 degrees to minus twenty two weeks, then two weeks minus ten, minus two weeks the temperature is between zero and one followed only after it starts to slow warming by the sun's radiation. 20 C○ is needed is to push the value back to one atmosphere of pressure, and it will take ten years. Ten more years to that of the original well-balanced, gradually built up their energy level differences again to ensure the retention of polar air currents.
The 360-degree curvature of the Earth every ten-thousandth of one degree lower energy level for final dissimilarity. Each day tens of thousands of degrees from the one photon is radiated beam of the plasma mass.
However, while this arrangement lasts long, just like now, the vicissitudes of weather we experience it. Storms, floods, hail, etc.
Twenty years later, but returned to its original equilibrium climate.
The next winter will be the December -20C○, the rest of the winter, as was the recent winter ever. The spring and summer of this year is also about. same. The big change is the one subsequent winter.
Then start the polar air masses in the transgression, which brings the real disaster.
The good news is that the process can be stopped even if the polar ice blocks to restore the original condition within two months. The method has been detailed in earlier, but now it's double the amount of everything needed. This is still only twenty billion dollars, is now more of a recovery of the cost of weather-related disasters.
Incalculable consequences of a future disaster
The most serious to exterminate all of the people who live in tropical climates, situated in the forests, plants, vegetation and fauna of all animals.
The sub-tropical flora and fauna can be invaluable damage occurs, and the majority of people will not make it.
The ice coats the electric grids and torn up, the power fails.
The oil and natural gas production will pause, stop running the manufacturing plants, because of the reserve will be sufficient only to residential care. Schools, public institutions should be closed because it is the amount that will not be enough.
The traffic stops, rail, air, road as well. In practice, for three months, paralyzed throughout the world.
Terribly difficult life situation is all, and the destruction of priceless value does destroy almost everything.
When the ice melted, the sea level will rise with 20 meters and inundate everything, not only in the coastal areas, but each point of the Earth, only the mountains and all hills remain intact.
Hold for a month the 20twenty meters flood level, and yet it takes a month to completely slow down the back.
The atmosphere humidity is 90%, because of the evaporation of the water level decreases, which means that water molecules are far from the original path by electrons.
The atmosphere is moving the moisture content of the corners to fall under the form of snow by a gradual decrease in temperature, it is usually in the corner areas of very durable and does not melt and the poles fall under the form of snow frozen ice crystals, then builds up, it will be the end ice blocks to freeze up, it can after a month of elevated water levels recede.
After the flood begins with the invasion of epidemic spreading like viruses, bacteria, a mass will be launched to find the right for a different energy level host. First, operating at the highest energies viruses and bacteria attack the highest-energy plant in the host body. People, animals, plants devastate both.
The low-energy plant will be the last people in line.
As if the universe is to know who are the people that caused the disaster.
The highest energy spend hours in the highest wavelength features of our site, because these people will no away satisfied until the highest no access. So the universe is punishing those who do not know their mind to control the energy levels. The universe is not receiving the higher energy levels, it is wrong to oppress the weak and translate, but on the contrary, to protect them and the excess energies are always used in the construction of a better future.
Badly misused by the universe to their advantages, and now have to pay dearly.
Think about themselves, and use the last option, if only to protect their own lives!
Supplement: 2014.05.31
Preventing disaster Moon of the slices attracting of negative energy by using, in the same way as has once been stated, but care should be taken to simultaneously large compartment for off service execution does not happen because the magnet yarn is not enough density to weave it into the ground, and rupturing, the entire operation will fail.
If not would do nothing to prevent the disaster, a multi-billion man does not survive this horror-filled situation.
In addition, it will also reduce the number of starving humanity, well thought out, how do you decide?